Latina Alliance for Impact
The Latina Alliance for Impact is a collective of mujeres empoderadas, empowered women, who are looking to ignite their infinite impact by empowering girls to become the next generation of lideresas through education and leadership development. Her tools? A desire to give back, una voz empoderada, and a deep passion for creating a more inclusive and prosperous future for young women who have the talent and drive to thrive but need access to opportunities para transformar sus futuros.
Unlock tu impacto infinito∞, your infinite impact, with a donation of $100+ or a monthly investment of $25+ and connect MAIA Girl Pioneers with opportunities that will enable them to get a quality education, flourish economically, and lead societal change.
The Latina Alliance for Impact is not about one individual woman; it’s the collective of all women transcending borders and creating a generation of leaders and changemakers.