Land Race Farm animal fund
In many communities, we have an issue with livestock guardian dogs not finding a good home. Livestock guardian dogs are ancient breed dogs for keeping livestock safe from master predators like Great Pyrenees, Akbash, Spanish Mastiff, Armenian Gampre, to name a few. The dogs would wander from their pastures and not get claimed when they end up in the shelter. Once they are in a shelter situation, this becomes a problem. The dogs are not domesticated breeds and do poorly in shelter situations. Then they usually get euthanized for no fault of their own.
So I have started a nonprofit to help save these incredible dogs. I would pull them out of shelters and bad situations, then rehab them, and in the process, I can see what their personality is so I can find the correct position for the dog. I would see how they act around the animals and other dogs of their type. This rehab process and finding a new home can take months to a year, and I take care of their vet care with vaccinations. I also track them throughout their lives and provide any support needed. I give this as low or at no cost to the new owner.
With everyone’s help I can get the dogs spayed or neutered and provide travel to their new homes also the expense of caring for them in this process. I can also continue to improve their living areas.
With this work I can save some wonderful dogs and help keep the livestock and families safe from the master predators while living with them.
Donor Wall39
Donald Mitchell | $200
Love you and Tarzan pic
Colleen | $100
Merry Christmas from SoCal Col on FB! So thankful for your work with these majestic dogs🙏🙏🙏
Donald | $100
Hang in there!
Lise | $200
For all the great work you did with my sisters dogs. Kelano, Tariq, Marley, and Marlowe.
Lise Williams | $100
Jennifer Saxe | $100
I am really grateful for your willingness to help without hesitation. You gave me much needed hope for humanity. Thank you for all you have done and will do. You are seriously awesome. 🧡 I live in Indiana/Illinois area. If you ever need anything in my area I would be happy to help. I feel blessed to have crossed your path!
Lise Williams | $100
Christine | $100
For dog food
Colleen Flaherty
From Socal Col on FB: not much in this economy but with 30 giant dogs to feed, I know you need it. Thank you for helping these wonderful dogs!
Christine Williams | $100
For help with Winter
Tom is a special and amazing man. He's a loving soul that cares for rescued LGD dogs from shelters. I was amazed he takes care of over 25 rescues without help.
Karen | $30/M
Rory (Honey now and answering to Honey in just a couple days!) has a forever home here. She is very intelligent!! Training her to walk the perimeter has been going well. Thank you for working with her up to this point!
Kim | $20/M
Thank you so much for all you do and thank your for finding the right dog for me and my sheep! So excited to have Rory
Donald Mitchell | $100
For Peewee and Demi - help to their new home
Christine Williams | $200
Care help for LGDs
Jeff Malmuth | $100
Diana | $100
This donation is to help transport Mr. Kong to his new home in Georgia.
Joan | $50
I love seeing all of these beautiful dogs getting another chance! Thanks for all you do.
Diana | $50
The videos of the dogs are entertaining. Thank you for helping save so many dogs.
Leslie Bader-Robinson | $500
Thank you for all you do in saving these great LGDs and getting them into homes where they can thrive and lead happy, productive lives! I can't wait to get "Roy2" here and settling in to life on our farm with goats, alpacas, free-range chickens, barn cats & our 2 other dogs! Looking forward to your arrival here in Washington State! Leslie at Leaning Tree Farm
Victoria | $70
I hope this small donation helps with the dog care.
Diana | $100
Tom You mentioned on your videos that you needed some special collars to keep you safe and help train the dogs.
Sarah Poston | $50
Thank you for caring for Loca and finding him a home, please give him some loves for me! I can't thank you enough ❤️
Diana | $50
Tom, I am donating for Bear. I hope she gets better. She looks like a sweet dog.
Tamara berkheimer | $50
Thank you for all you do!
For Loca
Kristina | $400
not sure if he will be my boy, but i wish him an amazing recovery
Tamara berkheimer | $75
For Polar