Land Access for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers

HSF is matching funding to support an IQVF program designed to assist Socially Disadvantaged Farmers with reduced mortgage interest rates. These farmers meet the USDA’s definition of socially disadvantaged. IQVF provides funding through a partnership with investors in the Rooted In Regeneration Notes. By matching this funding, qualified Socially Disadvantaged Farmers can receive a total of 4% interest reduction, potentially saving them over $20,000 annually on a $500,000 mortgage. IQVF already has qualified farmers ready to benefit from this program, and can help more farmers with your support.

Help us reach our $100,000 goal!

Healing Soils Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 82-3877725. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.