5th Annual Kwanzaa Kutoa

Kwanzaa is all about Umoja (Unity) and we couldn’t do it without you! We invite you to donate to our Safe Black Space Kwanzaa Kutoa (Giving) Celebration where we honor 7 local Black families in how they represent the principles of Kwanzaa.

Your donation will support our Kwanzaa Kutoa and any amount is welcome! Contributions will go toward: Underwriting Food and Cultural Activities ($500); Financial Sponsorship of a Family/Individual Honoree ($300); Kwanzaa Kits ($100): Personalized Gifts for Each Honoree ($50); and more.

Feel free to connect with us regarding questions you may have at safeblackspace@gmail.com.

Donor Wall3

Corrine Sako | $312.65

Sacramento Valley Psychological Association's financial sponsorship of a Family/Individual Honoree for Safe Black Space's 2024 Kwanzaa Kutoa!


Ernest Uwazie | $104.42

Sorry to ,miss the event due to my Africa travel then. but will be sending positive thoughts and spirit filled wishes.