Kids of Colour is a project for young people of colour aged 24 and under to explore 'race', identity and culture. We create spaces to challenge the racism that affects young people and their communities; building collective resistance and solidarity.
Your Donations:
Donations to Kids of Colour supports resources in our youth sessions, trips, activities, travel and vouchers for young people, books for our free Bookshelf & more!
Through our work, we:
- Hold space where young people’s identities and experiences are seen, heard and validated
- Center joy and celebration of our identities, cultures and histories
- Create opportunities for young people and our communities to connect, build relationships of friendship and peer support
- Support and encourage solidarity across our communities’ identity intersections
- Ensure young people and families feel that they are being fought for through our campaigning and advocacy
- Challenge racism within our communities and society; including the education sector, youth sector and policing
- Hold a belief in building a movement of collective anti-racist resistance. Our work is reflective and hopeful. It is grounded in care, a drive for change and a belief in and love for young people.
Visit us at for more information about us and our work.
Donor Wall 22
Abigail | £50
Thanks for everything you are doing
Anonymous | £52.32
Katherine | £25
My son gets some money every year to do something charitable with, this year he wanted to donate it to you guys ❤️❤️❤️ thanks for all you do❤️
Imogen Gregg-Auriac | £25
I am sorry I can't be with you at these critical appeals - a small donation sent with love and solidarity
UA92 ( University Academy 92) | £52.30
Faye Bala | £50
Profit from the sale of charity T-shirts from Dose 🤍 keep up the great work x
Alfie Glanvill | £100
Melissa E Boyd
Dr Boyd
Samantha | £62.72
Thank you for everything you do. I hope this small donation helps you continue your mission and amazing work in our city.
Your work is invaluable, much love & solidarity
Audio Book | £50
Audio Book donation for Yadava DJ set🙏
kyle | £2
Keep the faith, keep pushing on. We’re with you!
Siobhán Cannon-Brownlie | £20
Love & Solidarity
Jo | £50
Thinking of the boys and their families. So many of us are devastated you are not home yet and hoping the end is near. Please use this for whatever the boys would like.
Evan Woodall | £350
Raised from the final My Barn My Rules Party, inc. waived venue fee from Lurid Ultra Hybrid. Organised by Semi Peppered & Building Bridges, and formally She Will Provide. Thank you for all the work you do!
Thanks for being such change-makers 🖤
umbareen Siddiqi | £52.31
I’ve been following the tragic miscarriage of justice surrounding the Manchester 10. Can this money be used for book tokens for the boys and to pass on the message that so many of us care for them, they are not forgotten and we will fight for their release.
Kathryn | £50
I am a member of Amnesty International Manchester. We stand by you.
Mary Gibbs | £104.36
I am so outraged by the injustice of the Manchester 10 trial, and the obvious systemic racism involved. Please can this be used for books that these young men may want?
Daniel | £160
Professor Farida Vis is sadly leaving MMU. She was an active co-chair of the Race Staff Forum since summer 2020 and led the initiative to set up a research centre focused on the study of race and racism. As a farewell gesture, Farida has kindly requested that the funds raised as part of her leaving collection be donated to Kids of Colour.