Support children in the greater Catskills region with access to educational or enrichment opportunities of their choosing
Your donation will make this possible
How it Works:
Choose size of your donation
Donate as a friend, contributor, supporter, patron, benefactor — or any amount you wish.
Make a pledge or one time donation
Recurring gifts are the best way to automatically support the school — or break down a donation in monthly payments.
Inspire others to donate
Display your donation on the wall — or be anonymous.
Who will get the Donation:
- Your donation will support educational and enrichment opportunities for children in need.
- A Financial Aid Committee reviews applications from local families interested in enrolling their child in a program in their area to determine eligibility.
- Kidskill Fund will accept applications for support to join educational programs in the Catskill counties Delaware, Greene, Otsego, Schoharie, and Sullivan.
Questions and more information: kidskillfund.org