Let's share joy! KIV Monthly supporter and Donation form






Our goal is to reach not only Japanese kids but to reach children in the world to communicate using global language which is English at an early age.


What is KIV?

We provide opportunities to children a language and culture exchange program so that it allows them to find new world, accept a wide range of values and able to talk with people from other nationality.

Most of the activities for the past three years, we have been carried out as volunteer groups. In the current operation, it is difficult in terms of operation to sustainably operate in a wider area.

In particular, regarding our outdoor event "Kids International Village," which is one of our main businesses, we have received requests to hold the event from people since before, but the events we can hold are limited so participants compete for the limited slots.

The opportunities for meeting people from all of the world and doing international exchange and English conversation activity for kids we provide now are very limited. We are currently unable to expand it to more than four prefectures in the Kanto region. We have received requests from people in the Kansai region, Nagoya, and Fukuoka to hold Kids International Village, but it is still difficult due to lack of budget and manpower.



We will send a Monthly-report email every month and also send KIV original T-shirt [June], calendar [January] depending on your membership plan.

[Monthly Donation for 5US dollar (You can choose your currency)]

Monthly-report via email

[Monthly Donation for 10US dollar]

Monthly-report via email 

KIV Original Calendar (January)

[Monthly Donation over 30US dollar]

Monthly-report via email

KIV Original Calendar (January)

KIV Original T-shirts (June)

Your support will greatly help the cause which is to help children connect with people from all over the world as well ad widen their perspective for the future.

Thank you for your support and welcome to KIV!