Kids of Torok Deserve Better Access to Education
Torok School in South Lombok is the only educational facility in the area, yet the building is in a sorry state of disrepair. The idea that students spend six years of their early compulsory education in an environment where the roof has collapsed and the floors and walls are crumbling is heartbreaking. How can anybody expect kids to feel like education is important when their surroundings are so neglected?
The situation has been dire for many years, mainly as a result of budget regulations in Indonesia that dictate funds are allocated to schools based on the number of active students. As Torok School, officially recognised as SD SMP Satu-atap Torok, only has a few students in each year, it receives only a small allowance, barely covering basic operational costs such as books, chalk, and a teacher’s salary.
The only way it can receive more government funds is if more children attend, yet the school is arguably not even safe. It urgently requires renovation. Your donation would not only help rebuild the school, but would provide students with a more comfortable environment in which to learn — and that could in itself help them reach their true potential.
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