Donate to Kid in the Corner
At Kid in the Corner, we value each and every donation we receive from our supporters and we appreciate you for taking the time to join Kid in the Corner on our mission to shatter the stigma that surrounds mental illness. This cause is so important to us, and the strides we have made so far wouldn’t have been possible without supporters in our community like you.
Kid in the Corner is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is dedicated to shattering the stigma that surrounds mental illness by helping kids, teens and young adults feel connected to and supported by the community as well as find a path to hope and positivity.
In the face of COVID-19 and current global events, our youth are dealing with more pressures and uncertainties than ever before including social distancing, loss of connection, stressed-out parents, and lack of structure. This is in addition to the hardships we were already witnessing such as cyberbullying, family instability, mental illness, pressures to perform, and racial injustice. Almost daily we are hearing from teachers, school counselors, and administrators that students are struggling, overwhelmed, and scared - they need opportunities to normalize and process their feelings. Mental health awareness and suicide prevention are more critical than ever.
Learn more about Kid in the Corner's mission and story by visiting