Kevin's Partners at EFI

EFI exists to equip pastors and the church abroad to build the true body of Christ. I have been blessed to be a part of it from the beginning and see the church in Africa growing. In Liberia we are building a church and community center to provide a foundation for education in Careysburg. In Cape Town we have found a partner willing to provide us training in the needs and culture of the African people. Through EFI you have the opportunity to serve the global church in a meaningful, long term way for the glory of Jesus’ name.

For my part, I am walking away from 30 years of work in the construction industry. My full time role with EFI will be as its Chief Operating Officer. I will be traveling overseas on short term trips to meet partners and identify needs, then returning home to gather the resources, both human and financial, to further the growth of the church abroad.

My fundraising goal below is to cover my salary and overhead with EFI. As I’ve been working part time the last several months and begun to travel I have been blessed to find that my work experience is useful in assessing and organizing the resources of the American church to fulfill the needs of the global church. I’m just building in a different way than I have in the past. Pray for me. Pray for the work. And pray for your part in it.

All donations are tax deductible. We are a 501C3 nonprofit corporation.

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Young & Associates Construction & Roofing, LLC | $104.42/M