Kerus Matching Gift: International Headquarters
There has been a growing sense that it is time to establish a permanent international Kerus headquarters in South Africa rather than continuing to rent as we have done these past 20 years. Our recent loss in the fire has catapulted this need to the forefront, and with prayerful consideration, we are confident it is time to take that step.
Due to the generosity of a long-time partner and dear friend, we now have a MATCHING DONATION of $150,000 towards the purchase of a building for our Kerus headquarters! The blessing of a matching gift is that every dollar given towards this need is doubled.
We trust that this will encourage many of you to be a vital part of accomplishing this next mission milestone that will provide a permanent space in South Africa where our teams can stay while volunteering, we can host trainings, have an office and a place to stay while in South Africa.
As always, we are so grateful for all of you who journey with us – in prayer, in resources, in friendship – as we fulfill our commission of providing for our Kerus family in Soshanguve and for training an ever-widening circle of dedicated souls serving at-risk communities around the world.
Jennie and Marcia