Kentucky Voices for Health is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN is 27-4557052.
Donor Wall
Sheila Schuster | $781.16
Lisa Garrison | $10.72/M
Honored to be part of the work KVH is doing on behalf of Kentuckians across the Commonwealth.
John and Jean Rosenberg | $125.25
Bev Beckman | $62.78/Y
Richard Seckel
Debra Graner | $21.13
Union Church, Berea, KY | $1,000
Thank you for all the work done on behalf of disenfranchised populations to receive affordable, quality healthcare in Kentucky. I also appreciate Kentucky Voices for Health keeping Kentuckians informed about policy issues that impact all of us in the Commonwealth. Without KVH, I feel Kentuckians would be less engaged with the legislative process and not feel empowered and equipped to use their own voice to advocate for change for themselves and others.
Sheila Schuster, Ph.D.
In appreciation for the excellent work of KVH and to wipe out medical debt for some of our fellow Kentuckians!
Donor Wall 13
Sheila Schuster | $781.16
Lisa Garrison | $10.72/M
Honored to be part of the work KVH is doing on behalf of Kentuckians across the Commonwealth.
John and Jean Rosenberg | $125.25
Bev Beckman | $62.78/Y
Richard Seckel
Debra Graner | $21.13
Union Church, Berea, KY | $1,000
Thank you for all the work done on behalf of disenfranchised populations to receive affordable, quality healthcare in Kentucky. I also appreciate Kentucky Voices for Health keeping Kentuckians informed about policy issues that impact all of us in the Commonwealth. Without KVH, I feel Kentuckians would be less engaged with the legislative process and not feel empowered and equipped to use their own voice to advocate for change for themselves and others.
Sheila Schuster, Ph.D.
In appreciation for the excellent work of KVH and to wipe out medical debt for some of our fellow Kentuckians!
Allison Adams | $104.42
David. | $104.42
Susan Bentley, MD
John and Jean Rosenberg | $130.45