Kelp Coin


A kelp coin(R) token is a True Blue(TM) digital forward contract representing a ton of seaweed grown on marine permaculture platforms and  a regenerative carbon credit for a tonne of carbon dioxide sunk to the seafloor.


For every contribution of $250 this year (2023), we will provide you with a token of our appreciation; a unique, serialized digital Kelp Coin™ security token comprising a forward contract on a tonne of seaweed.


As a security token, the Kelp Coin(R) can be bought and held to maturity, after which we anticipate it can be exchanged on open markets and can serve as a store of carbon, a tonne of natural capital grown on a marine permaculture that regenerates life in the oceans. Finally when Kelp Coin™ security tokens are sunk anytime after maturity, we will causes a tonne of seaweed representing a tonne of carbon dioxide to be sequestered back to the middle and deep sea from whence it came.


Your investment in Kelp Coin™ security tokens will help to build the natural capital that our planet needs to regenerate life in the ocean and a healthy climate for Earth’s residents, one kelp forest at a time. Please join us in leading the way towards a healthy, sustainable future.


Details on the Kelp Coin™ forward contract are to be issued later this year. Each Kelp Coin™ security token has an associated date representing the year of issuance. The forward contract settles within 48 months of the year of issuance. The forward contract specifies a distinct tonne of seaweed that is produced by the settlement date.

The Climate Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non profit charitable organization dedicated to helping the earth return to a healthy state. Our EIN number is 26-2077719.