Kamp Love is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 86-1879059. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.
Donor Wall
Jim & Jo Clyde | $519.52
Alex | $1,000
From a broken and lonely soul
Emma Willmer
To Kamp Love, God used you to provide me with encouragement and give me affirmation in my spiritual gift when I was downtrodden and out of hope. Your camp was a bright spot of light in a long season of darkness. I am so grateful to the two girls who handed me an info card about Kamp Love on Lopes Way in 2023, it changed my life. Your Kamp reaches deep into the souls of so many. I pray Kamp Love will continue to witness to the needy and bring Heaven down to Earth. Thank you for all you do. He goes after the 1. It only takes 1. ❤️
Donor Wall 3
Jim & Jo Clyde | $519.52
Alex | $1,000
From a broken and lonely soul
Emma Willmer
To Kamp Love, God used you to provide me with encouragement and give me affirmation in my spiritual gift when I was downtrodden and out of hope. Your camp was a bright spot of light in a long season of darkness. I am so grateful to the two girls who handed me an info card about Kamp Love on Lopes Way in 2023, it changed my life. Your Kamp reaches deep into the souls of so many. I pray Kamp Love will continue to witness to the needy and bring Heaven down to Earth. Thank you for all you do. He goes after the 1. It only takes 1. ❤️