KadaKareer 2023 Fundraiser






KadaKareer is a community-driven career development platform for underserved students in the Philippines hoping to launch their digital careers. Our Kada Kommunity focuses on making sure that young Filipinos have access to all the coaching, resources and support they need for careers such as online business, virtual freelancing, UX/UI design, digital marketing and many more!

We would appreciate your help and generosity in funding us for 2023! With this funding, we plan to release a new and improved platform and grow our two core programs -- our virtual apprenticeship program and kadakamp leadership program. We also want to make sure to continue offering our services for free!

KadaKareer, Inc. is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 86-3217558. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.

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Daniel Jordan Viray