Jump Up! for Salmon
As we celebrate our 34th year, we aspire to grow and increase our services and impact as an organization. With salmon populations needing more help than ever, we want to expand our programs in habitat restoration, education, and stewardship to connect more of our communities to salmon recovery. Our community members want to be engaged in restoring salmon populations. We receive daily requests from landowners, school teachers, scout leaders, churches, colleges, community groups, and individuals to participate with us in salmon recovery. Unfortunately, our capacity to meet these requests is currently limited to funded projects. We often have to decline their requests because they don’t fit within our current grant-funded opportunities. The lack of additional funding limits our ability to connect our communities to the tangible actions they can take to contribute to salmon conservation. With your support, we can say yes to more of these requests and engage so many more community members!
In 2023, our amazing crew and volunteers restored over 80 acres of riparian habitat, which included planting 35,223 native trees and shrubs! In addition, our incredible educators also engaged over 5,000 youth in hands-on lessons where they forged connections with their watershed and were empowered to become stewards to their environment. They taught Salmon in Schools at 14 schools including outlying areas. Our tremendous hatchery manager led the effort with our volunteers to raise over 40,000 coho salmon and release them into eight Lake Washington tributaries.
SSS serves diverse communities within the Stillaguamish, Snohomish, and South Island County Watersheds. We believe in the importance of highlighting how we are all connected to salmon. Pacific salmon are key to maintaining ecological balance in the Pacific Northwest. Even our trees rely on salmon to provide the nutrients needed to build the temperate rainforests that are home to countless species. Chinook salmon is the primary food source for our endangered southern resident orcas. Pacific salmon are especially important to our Coast Salish Peoples who have relied on and lived in harmony with salmon since time immemorial. Pacific salmon are also integral to our economy in Washington and we all rely on sustainable fisheries to see abundant returns for future generations. However, despite salmon’s huge importance, nearly all populations of pacific salmon species are listed under some level of threat.
In order for us to continue this vital work of restoring salmon populations and connecting our community to their watershed for the future of salmon, we rely on contributions from people like you. We appreciate your interest in supporting salmon recovery and look forward to sharing our future successes with you, our supporters!
Donor Wall 27
Gregory Davidson | $520.87
Wohlman Family | $100
Nichole Michelle | $520.87
Robert | $104.42
Erik Moris | $104.42
Steve Noe | $200
Michael & Inger | $2,603.12
In honor and memory of Don and Laverna Cobb (Employee of School of Aquatic Fisheries at UW)
Gregory Davidson | $520.87
Thank you for what you do. It's great work.
Phillip Taylor | $1,041.44
Keep up you do. Put this donation to good use
Lynne & Paul Kipping | $104.42
In memory of Duane Uusitalo
Hildur Gleason
In memory of Duane Uusitalo
Phillip Taylor | $1,038.73
jane brandt
In memory of Ron Pera who contributed much to environmental issues
Phillip Taylor | $2,077.15
Donation in the name of King and Alice Rockhill.
Fraser | $104.15
Rick | $104.15
Keep up the good and never ending work. Donating on behalf of Kevin and Arden who participated in the plunge. If you ever use the Burke Gilman Trail near Sand Point and see old guys doing restoration work stop and say hello.
Morgen | $21.08
Randa Mangels | $35/M
On behalf of grandchildren.
Martha Moritz | $100
I miss all of you! Keep up the good work! Martha Moritz
Ellen & Dave Govan | $78.19
Hope to bring some of our Girl Scouts out in 2021---we love digging in the mud.
Coleman Byrnes | $20
Chris Grieve | $100
You guys rock! Keep up the good work!
Orca Running | $1,000
Phillip Taylor | $1,038.73
Hope all is well with every one at SSS. We are both doing fine . And looking forward to summer. Take care Phil Taylor
Anonymous | $25
Thanks for the letting the community know about this great cause Katie-Bug!