Jubilee New Haven

The Borden House is launching an initiative called the Jubilee Project, an initiative that seeks holistic transformation in our community in New Haven. This initiative springs from our core values of love, justice, and hospitality, grounded in the grace of Jesus. 

Our three priorities in this initiative are:

(1) Fostering Christ-centered community

(2) Gathering neighbors and young people from all over New Haven to worship God together

(3) Providing housing opportunities in our neighborhood

Background: We have seen God working in big ways to develop community with one another and with our neighbors, and we've also seen powerful worship gatherings of neighbors and Christians from around the city of New Haven. We hope and dream of God working in even bigger ways going forward. 

We've also desired to address physical conditions in our neighborhood, and housing is one of the most pressing concerns. On top of that, a few weeks ago, our community experienced the second tragic fire on our block in the last year and a half. We are hoping to buy the house that recently burned, renovate it, and sell it affordably to a long-time resident of our neighborhood who was a tenant displaced by the fire. We hope this will be the beginning of much work to address housing on our block and in our neighborhood.

We dream of Jesus empowering relational, spiritual, and physical transformation in our community. In other words, we dream of Jubilee. We invite you to join us in this dream.