Join/Donate to KAMBA

We need support to help sustain all Kenosha County Mountain Bike Trail Systems. 

If you love to ride the trails and want to see them grow and continue to ride them, support the club. 

Here is what your $30 or $40 pays for:

Tools to maintain the trails

Operating costs 

Marketing costs

Club events 

Insurance that covers volunteers working on the trails

The annual membership, from April to March, includes:

-Voting Rights

-Opportunity to be on the Board of Directors

-Social Rides

-Trail Building Involvement

-Trail Building Training

-Emails & Updates on the Trails and Club

-Help Make Decisions About the Future of Kenosha County MTB Trails

-Participate in committees - Here are the committees that we need help with. 

Please let us know how you can help!

  1. Trails Building & Maintenance
  2. Activities & Events
  3. Membership & Fundraising

You do not need to be a member of KAMBA to ride Kenosha County Trails.