John Munson for Town Councilor Precinct 2






A New Voice for Precinct 2

About John Munson 

After years of considering it, I have finally decided to run for town councilor for Precinct 2. My wife and I own a home in Precinct 2, have two children in the school system, parents who live in town, a sister and her family who also live in Precinct 2, and a business in town - Beacon Photo and Frame. Over the last 12 years of running this business, I have hosted countless events benefiting a wide variety of charitable causes including local homeless shelters, Parent Teacher Organizations, the Viking Pride Foundation, Make-A-Wish, and local victims of fires.  Prior to being a photographer, I was a Director of Research for a strategy consulting firm. and a research analyst for many years before that. In addition, I have held several positions as a web and graphic designer.  In 2008, I helped found, a non-profit helping families fight cancer. Over the last two years, I've organized several blood drives in honor of locals fighting for their lives. I’ve also coached youth sports in Winthrop for over 10 years, helping win several championships.  My college degree from the University of Michigan, taught me to “Work Hard”. With so much of family and professional life here in this town, I’m all-in on Winthrop. 

Why I Am Running

1) Keep Winthrop A Safe And Beautiful Town

2) Help Winthrop Generate More Revenue with Responsible Development

3) Improve Winthrop's Quality of Life and Education 

Winthrop is Failing

Over the past three years, we have had two Town Managers, two Interim Town Managers, and three Town Council Presidents. During this tumultuous time, frustrations have been growing. We now have a financial shortfall of approximately $2 million per year. Buildings are boarded up, including the old Middle School, which costs us nearly $200,000 per year while it is unused. We have lost services like the compost for a period of time, and roads are falling into disrepair with no timetable as to when they will be addressed. Water rates have gone up twice recently. Our high school education is rated in the bottom 5th of the state. Residents are upset and often get no response from our Town Council. Public safety employees and teachers are using Winthrop as a stepping stone and leave for better salaries elsewhere. And we are facing a major lawsuit that could cost us millions.

Winthrop Needs New Leadership

While I respect the incumbent Town Councilor for Precinct 2, there has been a lack of progress during his 14 years in office and a growing sense of frustration. Winthrop needs new leadership and if you elect me to be your Town Councilor, I will help lead this town with integrity, courage, and transparency. I promise to always: 

1) listen to people’s constructive criticism and communicate effectively; 

2) be compassionate while using common sense and intelligence; 

3) be resourceful and creative to help solve problems; 

4) be friendly, respectful and kind; 

5) work towards progress and build consensus, not be scared of change nor obstruct progress; 

6) never discriminate against anyone for their color, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual preference or age. If I do not follow through on my promises, I will resign. As you can see I am not a typical politician, but I have the ability, character and passion to help Winthrop.

Where I stand on some important issues...

Keep Winthrop a Safe Town with Responsible Development

Winthrop is a beautiful bedroom community with quiet neighborhoods and the ability to safely walk or bike throughout. I will try to keep it that way while bringing in much-needed revenue through responsible developments in the Center and other business zones.  Regarding the old Middle School, it must be developed as soon as possible, while taking into consideration the impact on abutters, traffic, parking, noise, appearance. Over the course of the last 5 years, it has remained unutilized and despite several attempts, it is still far from being developed. As your Town Councilor, this would be my top priority. Whether it is a hotel or residential development, it has the potential to revitalize the Center Business District and bring in millions of new revenue to this town as noted by MAPC. I also believe there is enough land there to be cut up into 3 parcels, one for the new development, one for a community center with a pool, and one for the hockey rink. Winthrop needs this boost of revenue to avoid increasing taxes. 

Help Build a New Public Safety Building

We all know that our town’s safety relies primarily upon the fire and police departments. Without functional headquarters, our safety is jeopardized. We owe it to them and to all of us to make sure that they have what is necessary to serve us. If elected, I would begin by looking at all of our options right away. As your Town Councilor, I would help exhaust all possible solutions.

Help Prepare for Climate Change

Almost half (45%) of our 1.6 square mile town is within a flood zone, and we have been the victim to two major floods just last year. Winthrop is very vulnerable to storms and the rising sea levels, so it critical that we prepare for them. The Beach renourishment project has been successful, the Center Business District infrastructure project is underway, and we need to do more to fight the flooding of Ingleside Park and near the Belle Isle Marsh. As your Town Councilor, I would vote to support strong efforts towards climate resiliency with the help of the state and federal government.

Help Achieve Level Service at Middle and High School

The Superintendent has publicly made it known that we are well short of providing level service, and that every year we continue to lose quality teachers to other towns that pay more. I believe we need to find ways to raise more money for our schools. Better schools will increase the desirability of Winthrop, increase property values, and our kids will have better careers and ultimately be better citizens.

Continue to Fight Heroin and Opioid Epidemic

While the number of opioid-related deaths in Winthrop are still high, our Police Department, CASA and the Town’s Director of Public Health and Recovery Coaches have done a great job fighting this epidemic in our community. If elected, as your Town Councilor, I would support these efforts however possible, would encourage more people to volunteer at CASA, and would request more public education regarding opioids and substance abuse of all kinds.

I Will Vote to Ban Marijuana Establishments

A Marijuana Dispensary is an example of irresponsible development and I fear its presence will normalize marijuana to kids. Having been to the public forums on this topic, I think I speak for the majority of Winthrop residents. If I am elected town councilor, I will vote no on allowing a marijuana dispensary in this town. For those who need medical marijuana, it is now legal to be delivered. 

Help Winthrop by Helping Me

Please Help By  

1) Host a Lawn Sign 

2) Introduce John to neighbors or friends 

3) Donate:

4) (If you live in Precinct 2) Vote for John Munson for Town Councilor P2 on Nov. 5 at the Arthur T. Cummings School

Upcoming Events

Concert to Support John Munson for Town Council P2

Saturday, November 2, 2019 at 7 PM – 11 PM

On November 2nd I am hosting a mini-concert with two live bands including Winthrop's "Daisy's Gone" and "Twice-a-Day Ray". I am very fortunate to have friends like these, offering to help support my campaign to get elected as Town Councilor for Precinct 2. Come have fun and listen to these high energy bands that will definitely entertain and excite. Admission is free but donations to support the Campaign to Elect John Munson are welcome at the door and online at Location is Beacon Photo and Frame, 185 Winthrop Street and parking is available across the street.  

Sing Holding on Bridge

Wednesday, Oct 23 & Oct 30 - Morning 7:45 am - 8:30 & Afternoon 4:45 pm to 5:30 

Please join me Wednesday morning or afternoon, if you can, to hold signs for my campaign to be the next town councilor for Precinct 2. I really want to win this position so I can start affecting change quickly in Winthrop. I will be at the bridge entering Winthrop this and next Wednesday in the morning (7:45 am to 8:30 am) and afternoon (4:45 pm to 5:30 pm). I will have plenty of signs available. We will be on the Dunkin' Donuts side in the morning as people are leaving and on the Belle Isle Seafood side in the afternoon as people are coming home. If you are driving by, honk twice to show your support. Please text 617-404-3888 or email me back to let me know if you're coming. It will be fun. 


Thank you for your support. 


John Munson

Committee to Elect John Munson 

Town Councilor | Precinct 2 | Winthrop, MA

(617) 404-3888 

Committee to Elect John Munson | (617) 404-3888 | 

The Committee to Elect John Munson is registered with the IRS, EIN #: 84-3120830.

Donor Wall 3

Julia Wallerce | $50

robert holzbach | $50

Nadia Munson