Joel News

Joel News is a weekly e-zine that offers a high-quality selection of the most inspiring stories on the advance of God's Kingdom around the world. It is sent to everyone who contributes with a donation at least once a year.

A suggested amount is € 49 or $ 53 (roughly €/$ 1 per edition), but please feel free to contribute based on your vision and financial means. Our desire is to keep Joel News available to everyone, independent of country or budget.

There are three ways to contribute:

1. With the Donorbox form on this page you can donate by creditcard, with Paypal, or iDEAL (direct debit).

This is the easiest option. The default on the donation form is Euro, but with the arrow you can also select US Dollar. You can opt for a recurring annual or monthly donation, or a single payment. In the latter case we will mail you a reminder when it's time to renew.

2. By Paypal or by debit or credit card through the Paypal system.

If you have a Paypal account you can donate directly in
US Dollar or Euro.

3. By bank wire.

Readers in the European Union can also wire a donation by bank. Most banks treat this as a domestic transfer. You can use this information:

Account name and address: Stichting Joel Ministries, Leliendaal 12, 6715 KG Ede GLD, The Netherlands.

IBAN: NL36 INGB 0008981184.


Bank name and address: ING Bank, P.O.Box 1800, 1000 BV Amsterdam.

How to receive Joel News:

With options 1 and 2 your e-mail address is automatically sent to us with the donation, and all options provide the opportunity to leave a comment, so you can indicate if you wish to receive Joel News. No worries if you forget. You can always contact our Service Desk at for any assistance.

Joel Ministries is a registered non-profit organization under Dutch law. Donors don't receive goods or services in exchange for their donation, but all donors who request so can receive our newsletter Joel News International.