JJS Mission support

JJS Missions is committed to spreading the transformative love of God throughout the world through Christ-centered missional experiences in accordance with Acts 1:8. Donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS rules.

Donor Wall 22

Leslye Sims | $104.15

Happy Birthday Deacon V. God Bless You & Your Work. #MissionMinded # Kingdomwork

Farnese McDonald | $104.15

Happy birthday Uncle Deacon Vernon❣️ Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you continue to do. Naomi and Farnese

Darlene Allen | $67.81

Leonora Bell Bell | $52.23

Nancy Massey | $104.15

Happy Birthday Vernon. Thank you for your heart for missions and your love for the Haitian people. May God continue to bless you and keep you in His care. .

ArDonna | $26.27

Happy Birthday Uncle Vernon! Thank you for humbly doing the work and sharing light with the world. 💜

Sandra White | $25

May God multiply this 1000 fold.

Alyssa White | $52.23

Happy Birthday Vernon! Thank you for all that you continually do for others. You truly have a servant’s heart.


"Happy Birthday Vernon" and God bless you and your mission. From your "Favorite Alto" Sister.

Annette | $65

$65 to celebrate a blessed individual on his birthday. From your "favorite Alto!"

Chelsea H

Larnce Robinson | $156.07

Thanks for all you do in this Mission Field. May God continue to show His presence and Glory.

Alma Haygood | $52.23

Antoinette Redding | $52.23

Happy Birthday ! Antoinette & Charles

Dominic | $104.15

One good man can change the world, one good deed at a time.

Joseph Reaves | $68.85

Happy Birthday Vernon

Joseph AC Smith | $250

Cheryl Charity | $104.15

Donna Davis | $26.27

Elizabeth | $104.15

Thank you for having a servants heart. Be blessed as you continue to be a blessing to others.

simone | $25.59

L Cooper | $26.27