Jessica Denson vs. Trump
“Silence is not an option.”
Jessica started without a lawyer, and today her pioneering legal work is responsible for voiding the Trump campaign’s infamous NDA in court, freeing hundreds of formerly gagged staffers to speak the truth to the American people. She knows first-hand the dangers Donald Trump poses to the Free World, and has dedicated the last seven years of her life to exposing and defeating this threat. As Jessica continues to demand accountability for Donald Trump, she continues to battle his campaign in the human rights lawsuit that started it all. She has achieved unprecedented victories against Trump. Please help Jessica to finally hold his campaign accountable, and support the tireless work she is doing to defend democracy.
Thank you so much!
Donor Wall 227
Daniel Suelzle | $5.52
I saw the Mark Thompson Show Dec 31st, interviewing Richard Green who claims Jamie Raskin said he doesn't want to need bodyguards, this is why they don't want to stop djt. For this we lose our democracy?
Debbie | $52.37
Jarl | $260
I tried to donate thru u-tub & was refused. I tried thru donorbox & got no confirmation, & no reduction in my account. I'm using a debit card only. Can yu sent IM to 8182092183? I'm 85 yo & too crip'd to come. Want to send $.
Jennifer | $104.42
Thank you for being a true patriot!
Lee | $31.55
Security - Capitol Police & MPD available all 3 days? Protect our Democracy!
Elli Vassileva | $100
Jessica, I support you with all my heart and pray for you to be successful in applying section 3 of Amendment 14! 🙏🙏🙏 I wish I could donate 100x more, but I'm living on a $1000 income! Stay strong, Jessica, for all of us who cannot stand Trump! 💪🩵💪🩵💪🩵💪🩵💪
Virginia Lima | $10.72
Appreciate all you do for democracy! You’re a hero!
George Miller | $156.48/M
Hi Jessica, Keep up the good work. I believe Hakim Jeffries will be the new speaker on Jan.3rd. Kindest Regards, George F Miller
Dan Selzle | $5.52
I was offering allot more on NowMarch/14thNow until, processing fees, seriously
Valerie Rivera | $50
I am with you, Jessica Denson!
Anonymous | $52.37
Can't thank you enough for all you do to preserve our democracy! You are a beacon of light! Divine protection for you and all who will participate in such an important,meaningful peaceful march!!
Louis Greco
Thank you for the tireless work you and your legal team are doing to uphold our Constitution and save Democracy. Trump and those in Congress,the Senate and Judicary that his attempt to overthrow our government should be imprisoned. They are the domestic enemy as well as Musk and his Chinese and Iranian secrets are the foriegn enemy spoke of when I took my oath in 1971 for the US Army at 17 years old. Trump openly dodged the military and doesn't care 1 ounce about our country. Yours Truly A True and Proud American
Thank you Ms. Jessica for being such a bright light for our democracy and being such a great leader!!!
Donald McElwain | $21.13
Matthew Fransen Franzen
Motonobu Yamashita | $104.42
Why we are still alive is religiously faithful people have been fearless. And that's why the evil people have been trying to abuse religions. I have the solution for it. And the abusers are declining. Now is the chance to put the period dot. That's why the evil people are struggling this hard. This is the time of the CHANCE. Here’s my account. If you want.
Anonymous | $52.37
Hello! I so enjoyed discovering your show. The piece with Dr. Buell was breathtaking in its clarion call to paper recounts. Following, you turned “lights on” important topics du jour. Rational and principled towards human well being. Bravo. -Charles, Maryland
Laurie Fosner | $50
To get Congress to act on the 14th Amendment you will need to focus on the corruption in SCOTUS first. Until Congress is willing to ignore SCOTUS' ruling on this, they will not try to follow the law, as written. But if SCOTUS is no longer legitimate, they can vote to ALLOW Trump to take office--and they will not get 2/3 of the Senate so he's out. But they must remove SCOTUS from the picture first--or it will be a losing battle.
I may not have much to give, but any small contribution I can make, if it helps us succeed, would bring me true happiness. Thank you for your strength and for guiding us through this darkness.
Cathy | $104.42
Thank you for all you do for standing up for what is right and our democracy, in the face of strong headwinds. Thank you for strong faith too. “All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to say nothing.”
Jessica, Thank you. You are a true patriot and a true Christian.
beth | $10.72
When certifying the election should they be loyal to the constitution or to the five corrupt Supreme Court judges? The SC ruling on Anderson v Trump answered the question 1. yes, the states cannot keep an insurrectionist off the ballot, the insurrectionist can be elected, and the insurrectionist can only hold office if 2/3 of congress agrees to it. 2. The SC embellished the answer with information that had nothing to do with what they were being asked to make a ruling about. They said furthermore,” the Senate has to make new legislation to enforce 14/3” 3.In other words, they altered the amendment, they made a new rule up, that the amendment requires additional legislation to be enforced. They cannot have a vote to keep the insurrectionist out of office without making new legislation? Here is analogy. Let’s say John Doe is convicted of a crime. Then the judge says well in order to sentence John Doe they need to enact new legislation to bring it to sentencing.
Alberto Ortega | $10.72
Please, Do not Stop this Movement. And keep us abreast of dates and all activity. Thanks for this monumental effort.
Michael | $104.42
Every time I listen to you everything you say, your passion for this cause we are 100% on same page. Travel booked for all 3 days. Will never give up the fight for American democracy. With you always in spirit, Mike (and Teddy the chihuahua)
Chuck | $104.42
You rock Jessica, thank you so much! Chuck
Elli Vassileva | $10/M
I'm so disappointed in so passive democratic party! The truth is on our side and I don't understand their silence!
Go girl. You are right.
NO justice no peace in America
Michael | $104.42
I'll be there at the Jan 3-6 Protest. Will fly in from Texas, Chihuahua will stay home for this one. See you then Jessica. Mike (, MLS on X)