Jessica Denson vs. Trump

“Silence is not an option.” 

     Jessica started without a lawyer, and today her pioneering legal work is responsible for voiding the Trump campaign’s infamous NDA in court, freeing hundreds of formerly gagged staffers to speak the truth to the American people. She knows first-hand the dangers Donald Trump poses to the Free World, and has dedicated the last seven years of her life to exposing and defeating this threat. As Jessica continues to demand accountability for Donald Trump, she is facing growing legal expenses in the human rights lawsuit that started it all. She has achieved unprecedented victories against Trump. Please help us to finally hold his campaign accountable, and support the tireless work Jessica and her lawyers are doing to defend democracy. 

Thank you so much!

Donor Wall136

Joseph Kyle | $10.72

Jessica. You are a light and inspiration to humanity.

Connie | $12.81

I wish I could afford more in support of your work. We need to stand up and take this threat to our democracy seriously. Kudos.

Kim Martin | $5.52

Thank you

Melinda | $51.31

I can see you running for office, Jessica. Keep fighting the good fight! 😊



Barbara Jewell | $21.13/Q

Jon | $52.37

Your indomitable spirit sets an example for others, particularly young women, to follow. You've earned a place as an equal amongst other historical figures, as an advocate for social justice and civil rights. Total admiration for your accomplishments.

Victoria Schwimley | $21.13

I’m incredibly grateful to you for speaking out. We need more people to be this brave.

Anonymous | $31.55

All the best from New Zealand, Jessica. Keep fighting the good fight. The free world needs Trump and his ilk to lose in every possible financial, legal and political way.


I watch you on YouTube and have subscribed to your podcast on audible. You give me hope. You are a "light that shines in the darkness." Thank you

Jeff | $52.37

First seeing your show I commented you were inspiring - still do.

richard | $10.72


Jessica, I met you on YouTube presenting Lights On. Thank you for speaking out and being the strong female you are. I’m thankful you joined forces with MTN, and continue to inform us. Wishing you the best in 2024.

Lorrie Kueffer | $21.13

Roberta Johansen | $5.52

Thank you Jessica for your courage. I too was a former republican. I knew how immoral trump was in the 1980s. I left the party when they selected trump in 2016.


Good luck girl!!! Hope you bury that pumpkin headed crime boss.


CYNTHIA | $21.13

Keep up the EXCELLENT work and light!

B Z Itano | $25/M

Via MTN I'm new to your situation & look forward to learning & donating more. I saw the MAGA music video, last night, that obviously has enraptured many of its all too casual viewers. & to think that dt actually has a chance in hell to make it back into the WH.

Anonymous | $104.42

You are an inspiring human being. There might be hope yet.

Dottie Natal | $52.37

Thanks for all you've done, you are amazingly brave and determined. And a true Christian, which I find exceedingly rare.

Steve Mac Donald | $26.34

Thank you for standing up to the Tyrant. You were blessed with many Good people in your fight for Justice. We're proud of you. A Canadian Snowbird

Peter | $52.37

Nail that digital rapist's hide to the wall of shame for all that he has to read your book ...peacevibe2uall from canada

Ted | $100

I am relieved that DT no longer has so many people under his thumb, figuratively.


Chris | $10.72


Keep your head high, mujer! You rock.

Tracey Hastings | $26.34/M

I really have so much faith in your smarts, thank you for fighting for our Democracy!!!

Anonymous | $104.42

greatness comes from belief(European Fan)

andrew | $10.72

Uncommon valor in uncommon times.