Jessica Denson vs. Trump

“Silence is not an option.” 

     Jessica started without a lawyer, and today her pioneering legal work is responsible for voiding the Trump campaign’s infamous NDA in court, freeing hundreds of formerly gagged staffers to speak the truth to the American people. She knows first-hand the dangers Donald Trump poses to the Free World, and has dedicated the last seven years of her life to exposing and defeating this threat. As Jessica continues to demand accountability for Donald Trump, she is facing growing legal expenses in the human rights lawsuit that started it all. She has achieved unprecedented victories against Trump. Please help us to finally hold his campaign accountable, and support the tireless work Jessica and her lawyers are doing to defend democracy. 

Thank you so much!

Donor Wall205

Michael | $52.37

Well things have taken yet another turn. Lulu and Nathan are going to arrange to live stream a presentation of their work in DC at Saturday March. I agreed to fund everything. Word will hopefully spread that were about to inaugurate someone that didn't even win the presidency. I am now extatically happy !

Michael | $52.37

Hi Jessica, Well I tried. I think Lulu (Smart Elections) convinced Nathan it was a bad idea to have me discuss this at protest. The new plan is that I will still go to Peoples March on Saturday but my sign will not reference election hacking rather will be something like "Stand up to authoritarianism, Save American Democracy". I told Nathan that if he (and Lulu ?) decide at some time in the future to go to Senate Russell bldg to brief senators I would still be willing to pay their expenses. All that matters is they get briefed. That said, I am somewhat disappointed that we will not be trying to enlighten anyone that would listen via MSM as I think the public needs to know that there is strong evidence that an illegitimate president will be inaugurated on Monday that didn't even win the election. Again, I tried

Michael | $52.37

Jessica, Just an FYI, I included acknowledgements for Smart Elections on the slide presentation to senate as well as Saturday protest poster. (on Friday I decided to visit Senate Russel bldg instead of House as I think the House members who shamed themselves by giving an insurrectionist electoral votes would simply feel I was shaming them even more by letting them know they are very likely participants in letting an illegitimate president take office given the strong evidence Nathan has on election hacking, the "Russian Tail"). I felt obligated , just as with Nathan to contact Lulu at Smart Elections and let them know I was acknowledging there group on my slides. Well, Lulu at Smart Elections kinda' had a freak out feeling I did not have the depth of understanding to present the data and would rather her and Nathan present to senate and MSM themselves. I really think she underestimates me. I have a Ph.D. in mathematics and was working on finishing my Ph.D. in nuclear physics but had to get full time employment given I just got married and wife could not find work. I finished Phd part time while working full time). So, I have agreed that I will not attempt to present to Senate and am waiting to hear back from Nathan/Lulu if they can agree on slides I can put on my Saturday protest sgn and if desired I will promise Lulu I will not attempt to engage with MSM at protest. Finally, I have been very admitant that all 3 of us need to go back to DC ASAP for Nathan and Lulu to present to senate. I said I would pay all related expenses for the trip. That's were we as of 5 AM CST. Waiting to hear back from Lulu regarding if there are any slides she feels comfortable with me putting on Saturday protest sign and if desired, I will agree not to engage with MSM, Your friend always, Mike

Michael | $52.37

Jessica, In case Nathan is worried do I really understand his data analysis please let him know I have advanced degrees in math and physics and spent 33 years as an avionics engineer making countless presentations to low and mid level management as well as the government. Unless he objects I plan to go to Rayburn Bldg Thursday and present to as many House dems as I can then on Friday, make a poster with slides in People's March and try and break from march and get interview(s) with MSM so we can get word out, strong evidence Trump is an illegitimate president. When Nathan finally files his lawsuit I'm sure the corrupt SCOTUS will toss it out but hopefully it will get some publicity at which point I'm going to try and get a protest on streets going like the brave people in georgia (the country) did with theme of protest being we have an illegitimate president in office. Tx, Mike (and Teddy)

Michael | $52.37

Jessica, I am making the powerpoint slides to present to House Dems and again MSM this week in DC. As I do not have Nathan's contact information can you pass on my e-mail/phone number to him ASAP as I do not want to do this if he has any objections. Tx, Mike (&Teddy)

Michael | $1,041.44

(Liquidating some assets). Jessica, never stop fighting. Democracy must be saved. And as always, take good care of yourself. Your friend always, Mike (and Teddy the chihuahua)

Michael | $520.87

When I visit House Dems at Rayburn bldg in DC, Jan 17 my emphasis will not be on shaming them but rather enlightening /showing them there is strong evidence the election was hacked and referring them to your video on this subject. In DC on the 18th at the People's March I will look for national media and break away from march and try to do as many interviews as I can, alerting the public that there is strong evidence election was hacked and hence invalid. When I get back home sometime after the 19th I'll send you an update on what I was able to accomplish as well as post it on my BlueSky social media account, MLS1. I think informing all Americans that are willing to listen about this hack is the first step to defending our democracy. The second step is to take a lesson from the brave people of Georgia (the country), S. Korea, Iran, Russia and if needed, take to the streets in protest. The American people need a kick in their complacency. As always, take care of yourself and continue to fight the good fight, Your friend always, Mike and (Teddy the Chihuahua)

Michael | $104.42/M

So it's on to DC 17th and 18th. I may include a slide on the "Russian Tail" to the House dems in Rayburn bldg, make them aware (they should be already) that 2024 election shows evidence of Russian hack hence invalid. (On Smart Elections zoom this morning Lulu was on a tirade about election anomalies. She got some good slides from Nathan). Will have poster on "Russian Tail" in 18th March protest, will try and get an interview with national media likely in attendance to bring this to the attention of public. As soon as house sells Teddy and I will be taking trailer to DC area. Finally, Dael expressed some concern today about Trump's likely awareness of our #14NOWMARCH event. Jessica, Wherever you are, if you ever need me for anything at all, just send me an e-mail. Take good care of yourself, and fight the good fight. Your friend always, Mike (and Teddy)

Michael | $52.37

Jessica, I apologize but I have no other way to reach you. Dael called me and said you might not be in favor of distribution of flyers at Rayburn bldg (or discussion of "Russian Tail" at Jan 18th protest). I do not want to do anything that would hurt your cause, nothing at all. Please e-mail me and let me know if you want me to not pursue handing out photos at Rayburn bldg and/or taking to national media on Jan 18th regarding "Russian Tail". I will hold off on both until I hear from you. Tx, Mike

Michael | $52.37

Jessica, The DC Capitol police told me the Rayburn building will be locked down starting Saturday the 18th, the day of the People's March. So, I am going to fly into DC on the 16th, go to the Rayburn bldg with the protest photo and attempt to present one to each house democrat in person. On the 18th I will be protesting in the People's March were I will highlight the "Russian Tail" and try and get an interview with national media to discuss the subject and refer them to your video. I contacted Lulu Friesdat at Smart Elections and my understanding is she agreed to work with your guest on the "Russian Tail" analysis. Smart Elections has a good team assembled and they should be a big help

Paul Kikuchi

I am proud to support you and others in their fight against donnie’s NDA’s.

Robert | $130.45

Your podcasts are what is needed to shine the light on the despicable state of the country. It is inconceivable that any same person would want a fascist, felon, liar and insurrectionist leading their country. Please never give up the fight.

Michael | $104.42

Jessica, I will be back in DC on Jan 18th for the People's March. I will have a sign that suggests compromise of election as a result of " russian tail" in data. I will try and get an interview with national media covering event (expect 50 000 people). I will refer to the video you put out a few days ago on the subject. Take care , your friend always. Mike (and teddy the chihuahua)

Michael | $104.42

Jessica, You are a very courageous woman and it was indeed my honor to have been at DC with at the 14Now march. Am I surprised that no one, including especially the democrats would stand up, no I'm not. I expected that and history will now record their cowardess and shame. But we had to try and we did. So now the path forward, at least for me, is to follow in the footsteps of the late congressman John Lewis and get into " good trouble". I will never stop fighting to save democracy. If given the choice between American democracy dying or me. I choose me. Take care of yourself always and continue, as me, to fight the good fight. Your friend always, Mike (and teddy the chihuahua)


Jessica Denson has the spirit of Joan of Arc. She will lead us to victory if we will have the courage to follow.

Thomas | $104.42

Michael | $52.37

Jessica. This was the only way I knew to reach you. I have checked with Capitol police and as long as I do not attempt to cross baracades I'm allowed to protest there jan6. So, unless the roads are so bad I can't get an uber I'll be there around 9 am. Very much enjoyed meeting you and hope our paths cross again. Take care of yourself. Your friend always, Mike and Teddy (the chihuahua)

Barbara | $104.42

From Oklahoma, wish I could be there but I gladly give a small amount for you and everyone there. I appreciate you and the others who got this going. Trump needs to be stopped. Thank you so much

Jenn Evans | $52.37

Thank YOU! It is shocking that this document, the constitution, that all these lawmakers & judges are always 'talking' about literally provides the language & means to STOP this nightmare. Except for some reason, everyone is reading this is optional? Or what ? I am grateful to have found your fierce & brave voice in this most serious moment. I have stopped listening to ANYONE who decided to just give up & not fight with the tools given us. I trust your voice & will be following you. So much Gratitude- Jenn Evans

Heidi L | $18/M

In addition to Jan 6, Trump previously violated his oath & gave aid & comfort to the ENEMY when he cut a secret deal with the Taliban terrorists containing MAJOR concessions including freeing 5,000 violent Taliban insurgents who were imprisoned by the Afghan Government. Insurrectionist & a Traitor, he is unfit & unequivocally DISQUALIFIED!

Anonymous | $21.13

Celestin Hutchinson | $20

Your work is absolutely vital, and is doing more than you will even realize. I support you wholeheartedly Jessica!

Anonymous | $21.13

Jessica, I recently came across your channel. I am mad that MTN would not allow you to even talk about recounts or this movement! I did let them know that - I hope they read my email. I'm so glad Mark Thompson does support you! I am also very mad and disillusioned that Kamala would not request recounts. She lost me forever! I also donated at the nowmarch site. Thank you for your continuous work on this! I hold you, your team and all the people on the right side of history on my thoughts and prayers! I hope some of the congress people will act. I am also amazed to hear that Jamie Raskin said if they did this, they would need bodyguards...(?) The government pays for their protections, plus, I don't understand - he thinks a dictatorships with constant threats to put them in jail is safer? So that should be a stronger reason for them to demand A14S3 now! Thanks again, may you always be divinely guided and protected!


Christopher | $10.72

I'm SINCERELY HOPING that this movement will accomplish its goal and keep Trump out of office and put him where he belongs!!!!

yalonda m cooper | $10.72

Women have the most to lose. It is time we take over, to save the world.

Anonymous | $21.13

Good luck from Ireland

Venessa Jaime | $10.72

I can't be at the march as I have no way to get there, but I can call my Congressmen and I can donate to the cause as my way of showing my support. I'll be there in spirit and would be there in person if I could. Thank you Jessica. We the People need to be heard. We cannot allow our democracy to be taken from us or an illegal president to take office.

Nancy Williams

I'm seriously thinking of not paying taxes - or perhaps not even filing - IF DJT does get back into office, as he is Constitutionally unqualified. Shouldn't this be a national movement?

Louis Greco | $52.37/M

Jessica and all the true Patriots who believe and live by our Constitution. This Vietnam Veteran is humbled and honored to be part of standing up. Although I can't be there physically, know I am with you all in spirit and heart. I belive in the oath I took in 1971 at 17 years old . To stand for our country and Constitution.