




The Jordan Krakauer Memorial Scholarship, known as The JBK Scholarship, formed in 2016, was created in memory and honor of Jordan Krakauer, who tragically passed away at the age of 22 . A $10,000 scholarship is awarded yearly to the candidate who most exemplifies the qualities of Jordan. The candidate demonstrates leadership, anti-bullying, service to others and academic achievement. In addition, the candidate has experienced hardships and is in need of financial support.

The candidate can attend any college in the US and must be enrolled full-time. In addition to the $10,000 scholarship, there are several additional scholarships awarded yearly in other denominations: $5,000, $2,500 and $1,000

Donor Wall 92

Alison | $22

Alison | $22

Alison | $22

Alison | $22

Kathleen Smith

Always in our πŸ’•

Alison Penrose | $22

Kathleen Smith | $22

JBK always in our πŸ’•

Alison | $22

Alison | $22

Joe Lebo | $122.22

In Loving Memory of Mr. Boller and Jordan πŸ™πŸ™ May they both be Resting in Peace and Reunited with Eachother to Watch the Yanks and Gmen!! JBK Forever πŸ™πŸ™

Kathleen Smith | $22.22

Always in our hearts πŸ’•

Alison | $22

Matt Blaustein | $100

In honor of Paul. Rest in Peace. πŸ™ Love, The Blausteins

Dana Davis | $100

In loving memory of Uncle Paul πŸ™β€οΈ

Diane Vaccaro | $100

In loving memory of Jordan and Uncld Paul. Love the Vaccaro’s

Donna & Vince Davis | $150

In loving memory of Uncle Paul. Rest in Peace. β™₯️

Patricia Cassells | $100

In loving memory of Paul Boller Love The Cassells Family

Lisa Forte | $100

In memory of the Ox. Steve, Lisa, Marissa & Anthony Forte

Beth Ann Taraba | $100

In memory of Paul Boller.

Michael DeLuca | $100

In memory of our kind and loving Uncle Paul. Rest in peace. Gina DeLuca Altiero & Family Michael DeLuca & Family

Laura & Matt | $100

In loving memory of Uncle Paul

William Cook | $250

In loving memory of Jordan’s biggest fan, Grandpa Paul Boller. Rest in peace. The Cook Family.

Diane Silvestri | $100

In honor of Paul Boller, now in heaven with his beloved grandson, Jordan.

Sharlee Jeter | $2,500

The Jeter Family and Turn 2 Foundation extend our deepest condolences and this donation in memory of Paul Boller.

Fredesvinda Almodovar | $100

RIP OX 😒and RIP Jordan πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

Ilene Glick | $25

In honor of Paul Boller.

Sharon | $100

Rest in Peace Paul Boller Sr...always in our hearts Sharon Mennella & Family

Fran Boller | $100

Rest in Peace Grandpa

Nancy Dainesi | $300

In memory of dear Paul, Patriarch of a beautiful loving family that I am grateful to have known. My memories with the Bollers are all loving and fun. May Paul RIP , as he now joins our beloved Jordan

Nick & Michelle Hackenfort | $100

In honor of Uncle Paul