Storms Family Ministry

We are excited to announce our support page for the ministry work that we are doing. Please consider becoming a monthly partner with our ministry! 

Who We Are and What We Do:


Jason Storms serves as the National Director of Operation Save America (OSA). He also served on staff at Mercy Seat Christian Church in Milwaukee, WI, from 2005 to 2024 as Outreach Pastor.

 He obtained his Masters in Theological Studies from Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, KY. 

Jason has run a flooring and home remodeling business since 2005, training many young people in the trades, including his 4 oldest children. 

He is stepping aside from his business, his primary means of income, to launch into full-time vocational ministry. (OSA is a volunteer-led ministry organization).

Along with his wife of 20 years, Sara, they homeschool 10 beautiful children and are blessed to worship the Lord and serve together in ministry with their children. 

Jason has preached the gospel on the streets, at universities, and in front of abortion clinics all across the nation for over 20 years. His passion is evangelism, apologetics and discipleship, especially the discipleship of men. 

In his years of ministry he has been blessed to see thousands of hearts and minds changed, babies lives saved from abortion, mothers and fathers come to Christ and innumerable lives transformed by the power of the gospel, brought into the discipleship of a local church, and growing in the faith. 

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Through his roles with OSA and other partnering ministries, Jason engages in teaching and training and speaks to church groups and conferences on numerous topics:

  • Biblical Manhood and Family

  • Cultural and Political Engagement

  • Evangelism, Outreach, and Apologetics

Jason has served under the mentorship of three incredible mentors and aged men of God, his father, Grant Storms, his pastor Matt Trewhella, and former OSA director, brother Rusty Thomas. 

My Story and Sara’s Story

I was born in upstate New York to a single mom in 1978,. My parents were products of the 70’s culture of drugs sex and rocknroll, and the mantra of do whatever makes you feel good”. They did that and wound up in a dysfunctional relationship and two children they couldn’t take care of. 

 My dad later became a Christian, but my mom raised me and my brother in a non-religious home. Moving frequently through my childhood, living with different family members, we went from upstatete New York to Florida, to New Orleans to San Jose, California and back multiple times.   

I accepted Christ at a young age through the influence of my dad, but formally rejected Christ at the age of 14, having unanswered questions, seeing hypocrisy in the church, and also being pulled by my lust into the world. I spiralled downward morally and spiritually through my teen years, landing back in San Jose my senior year of high school. After high school I wound up homeless, heavily addicted to various drugs, and unable to hold down a job. Crystal Meth and “crank” were sold like candy all throughout the bay area and I got in on the action. While I still was seeking some kind of reason for my existence and purpose for my life, partying, getting high and chasing girls became my chief pursuit, and like the Prodigal Son, I quickly found myself empty, broke, without many true friends and lost in the pig pen of life. 

My dad, who I had rarely seen or spoken to in the previous 5 years reached out to me offering to get me a bus ticket and a roof over my head with him in New Orleans. After a couple days of deliberation I knew I needed to go. I knew I was a broken mess. I spent 4 days on a greyhound bus, sober for the first time in a long time and increasingly coming to grips with the reality of my sin. I celebrated my 19th birthday on that bus, alone, somewhere in the middle of Texas. God was drawing me. 

My dad was a pastor at this time in New Orleans, my first night I got off the bus he was having a bible study at his little apartment. I was amazed by the genuineness of the people who attended and the words of Scripture were jumping off the pages at me. I was a thirsty soul encounrering the Water of Life. 

I still had many questions and my skeptical mind wrestled with my dad for several weeks. We would stay up til the late hours of the morning debating, discussing, reminiscing, and laughing.  He patiently answered my many question demonstrating the rationality and intellectual strength of the Christian faith, properly understood. He also showed me the love of a father. 

After I agreed to go to church with him and been reading the Scripture, I felt the presence of God in this little sanctuary like nothing I had ever experienced. More powerful than any drug, more enlightening than any “trip” I had previously had, being in the humbling presence of God broke me. I saw the depths of my selfish and sinful heart as If a mirror with a beacon of light were shining into the depths of my soul. I surrendered my life to Christ, and he breathed new life into me, cleansed me of my sin, and became the Lord of my life. 


From there, I had a passion for ministry. I had gone through 4 years of high school in 4 different states seeing so much brokenness and ugliness, and yet had NEVER had a Christian share the gospel with me. God enflamed my heart to go and preach the gospel. To get out on the streets and reach those who will never step foot into our churches, to labor in the fields to see the captives set free through the message of the cross and the power of the gospel. 

My life was also transformed when my dad took me out in front of an abortion clinic to pray and to offer help to the abortion-minded women going into the clinic. Less than a year prior I was consenting to an abortion on my own child as my girlfriend at the time was scared and pregnant. She wanted me to step up and help her but in my lost and selfish state I refused to man-up. She got the abortion. I never saw her again, she was deeply damaged. 

Standing in front of this clinic and seeing moms stumble out of the clinic, often crying, in pain, and sometimes unable to walk out on their own, my heart broke. Seeing a video of a live abortion and looking at some embryonic textbooks, I realized just how “alive” and “human” my baby had been, how valuable and precious that little life was, and how precious the lives of these little babies, being killed every day at these abortion clinics, truly are.

God gave me a mission to combat this evil, to defend these fatherless children, and to be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. 

25 years later, I am still fighting for these preborn babies. I still preach the gospel on the streets, and God has been continuing to teach me and guide me, often through my own folly. 

I’ve been blessed with 20 years of marriage to an absolutely amazing woman, we have 10 beautiful children that we get to homeschool together, I have run a construction business for almost 20 years having the opportunity to serve my community, providing a service to others and help mentor many young men in the trades and the in many important aspects of becoming a man. 

We have been through many adventures serving Christ, preaching the gospel all over this nation, making disciples and standing for what is right. God has taught me much. When I hit age 30 I finally felt like an adult. When I hit 40 I finally felt like a mature adult. 

As we move back into full-time vocational ministry your help and support are greatly appreciated. As are your prayers and words of encouragement. 

Consider having us come and serve in your area, our desire is to awaken and strengthen God's people to “shine as lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation”. 

Donor Wall8

John Dean | $600

Hi Jason, I follow you and share your platform with my husband. I praise God for your obedience.

Andrea | $100/M

May the Lord continue to bless your family and ministry.


Grateful for all y'all do in Jesus name!

Laurel Harmon | $100

Thank you for once again inspiring everyone at the West Bend National Day of Prayer, Jason. You always leave everyone with challenging and encouraging words. You have such a wonderful testimony and I love your new website. You forgot ministering and preaching in jail where you helped and inspired so many youth and followed up with many! God bless you, your amazing family and all God continues to use you in to build His Kingdom. Love you, Brother in the Lord!


Godspeed Brother!

Ken Reed | $50

I pray, the Lord would bless you, and keep you young man.

Frank | $100

God bless you & your family as you live as ambassadors for the KING of kings.

Kenneth Onken | $100

Best hope for us emasculated fatherless