Jason Bailey

0 €



3.000 €


Your donation will be destined to Jason's HELP program to provide him with a support pathway to independence through incentivizing employment opportunities and fostering entrepreneurial activities. 

The HELP Program is a holistic one-year program that addresses poverty that works in conjunction with the Housing Empowerment program or already existing housing programs in order to create sustainable change via active citizenship, community and life purpose.

*For taxpayers in Spain* The tax deduction will be 80% for the first 250 euros donated and 40% for the rest. The maximum amount to be deducted may not exceed 10% of the taxable base. Corporations: Deduction in installments 40% of the deduction base. Limit of the deduction base must be less than 15% of the taxpayer's taxable base. Excess: 10 years. *Para contribuyentes de impuestos en España* La deducción será del 80% para los primeros 250 euros donados y del 40% para el resto. El importe máximo a deducir no podrá superar el 10% de la base liquidable del impuesto. Sociedades: Deducción en cuota 40% de la base de la deducción. Límite de la base de la deducción debe ser menor del 15% de la base imponible del contribuyente. Exceso: 10 años.