Help Save Dogs' Lives
Your donation helps us keep saving animals and working to fight cruelty around the world. Please consider choosing "Monthly" to help continue saving lives.
Your donation helps us keep saving animals and working to fight cruelty around the world. Please consider choosing "Monthly" to help continue saving lives.
Donor Wall131
Neeraj Narang | $50
Olga | $25
Can we please help those dogs in China who are being boiled alive, held down by 5 men at a time to be beaten and skinned alive. There are live videos I have sent multiple times from Facebook showing these actions!!!!!!!
Harold Pope | $26.14
Some day it would be nice for China to educate its rural citizens that rhino horns, ivory from elephants, and other animal based sources of suffering do not give one sexual prowess or strength or boost the immune system. Likewise with Coronavirus it is not spread by canines. Burning animals alive does not cut it, especially for false reasons.
Lorilei Peters | $103.62
Chrys | €5.44
Be strong, please save as many animals as you can. Sometimes, I wish I could do so much more.
Gayla Vieta | $51.96
Dorothy Gross | $15.81/M
Steve Mackenzie | $36.47
Damn disease ridden humans should be incinerated
Laura Kearney
Thank you for helping these poor creatures. My heart breaks for the cruelty against animals. Thank you for always being their voice
Diane | $15.81
N Lasley | $10.64
Sincere thanks for helping these animals!
Robin | $103.62
Love you all at LFT! Thank you for helping everyday people like me take action on these very important causes.
Sovattey | $50
Thank you for helping these poor innocent animals. Please save them all if possible. Hoping the Chinese will come to realize because of their inhumane cruelty towards animals, that's why their nation is in crisis. Hope this coronavirus is an eye opening for the Chinese government to set strict laws for animal compassion.
Kristee McGuirl | $51.96
Please use my donation to help these poor animals! And thank you for your tireless efforts to help them!
Jo | $15.81
Elizabeth | $10.64
Corina Vanegas | $20.97
Please do whatever you can to help these poor souls. Humans are the evil in this world.
Bri | $10
Please help these innocent animals. They do not deserve to go through these barbaric acts. Please please get them safe and out of the hands of these monsters.
Amy Jo DiGiovanni | $25
Jerry Bonnette | $5
Stop abusing animals
Kathy | $51.96
Please use every penny to help all these poor animals!! I do not understand how people can be so ignorant and inhumane!! Thank-you for all you do to raise awareness and help them!!
Crystal Hower | $10
Victoria | $10
Please save these animals, & tell these people the animals do not get our flu!!
Katarina Hutchinson | $26.14
Jill | $51.96
Another example of ignorance and mob mentality hurting Innocents. Thanks for caring for these little loves!
Iris Relis | $15
michael moran | $100
please please use every penny u can to help these poor animals!!!
Shivali Naik | $25
Please be more humane to creatures that live with us, and show them more mercy and support.
Carmelle | $50