Help Save Dogs' Lives
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Your donation helps us keep saving animals and working to fight cruelty around the world. Please consider choosing "Monthly" to help continue saving lives.
Donor Wall131
Adinda | €8.54
Pete Friston | £10.57
Erika Barreto | $10/M
Åke Danielsson | $26.14
Julie Brouse | $77.79
Dogs are beautiful, loving and loyal family members and deserve to be loved and cared for not abandoned, tortured and killed!! How anyone can do so; I cannot even comprehend. It is cruel and vicious!
paul | £10.57
Nicola | $25
Coronavirus; China’s pigeons coming home to roost. Their animal track record has always been horrific; cruelty beyond cruelty. How long did they think Earth would let them carry on and not step in to stop it? But still they lurch blindly on, inflicting yet more horrors on the innocents. We will watch this space, even as we mourn the continued suffering. Earth does not need us humans, but she loves her non-human creatures, “the meek, who will inherit the Earth.”
Åsa Marklund | $10
Poor animals I hope you can help them
Ann Conney | £20.90
Helen Siers | $26.14
I hope this helps at least a little bit.
Wendy Taylor | $25
Surely the government should be educating their people about this. I had hoped that the Corona virus would have stopped the Chinese people eating their dogs, but instead its made it far worse for these poor, innocent creatures. I don’t understand this nation at all. Even if the virus did come from these poor creatures, and they needed to be ‘culled’ why cant they do it in a sensitive, loving and humane way? Why do the Chinese always have to be so bloody cruel, evil and horrific in the way they kill these animals. What’s wrong with them???????