Thank you very much for your support. You are helping to bring desperately needed police and justice reforms to Pinellas County and beyond!

I, James McLynas your future Sheriff, will implement the most comprehensive and advanced police and justice reforms of any candidate in this country for the people of Pinellas County. As your Sheriff, I will end cannabis enforcement and mass incarceration at the source, reduce costs by 25% across the board starting with my own paycheck and bring strict accountability to the Pinellas County Sheriff's office. I will bring in body cameras and hold every officer to a higher standard, not the lower standard our current sheriff accepts and condones. I will create an agency that treats ALL people with respect and dignity and refocus the Pinellas County Sheriff's office towards solving the 80% of crimes reported to the current sheriff that go unsolved. I will redirect the taxpayer resources to target crimes with actual victims and bring an end to policing for profit. Together we can build a Sheriff's office that the people of Pinellas can trust and be proud of and set an example for the rest of America. A Sheriff by the people, of the people and for the people. Vote McLynas and FREE PINELLAS!