Jakmel Ekspresyon (JE)
JCEF, or Jakmel Community Empowerment Foundation, is a non-profit, non-discriminatory fund-raising organization that supports the youth in Jacmel, primarily through Jakmel Ekspresyon.
Jacmel, Haiti faces significant economic hardships, and political unrest is constant. The education system in Haiti is weak and does not adequately prepare young adults for life there. Moreover, there is a demoralizing lack of acceptance for marginalized people.
Jakmel Ekspresyon (JE) offers kids and young adults a safe space for continuing education – a place where everyone is welcome to learn life skills: technology, arts, environmental practices, trade skills, academics, language, and leadership.
Donor Wall51
Maurya Gaia | $31.55
Matthew Christensen | $104.42/M
Doris Frame | $10.72
Test donation
Julianna | $104.42/M
Margaret Morrison | $208
Hi Sue, You and your colleagues and students are SOOO wonderful, amazing, and exciting to watch as you and your campus continue to grow. Love to all of you, Margee
Burt Isenstein | $519.52
Yay for SF!
Clara Jane Timme | $104.15
James & Patricia | $1,000
Roger Peet | $150
Vincent Uribe | $52.23
Paige | $519.52
Sarah Merchlewitz Kuhner | $10/M
Sending you and your participants love and joy!
The Teafaerie | $31.46
Cause I’m so proud of Peterson, who was a teen when I volunteered there in 2011 and who is still making it happen. Also salute to Aaron Funk! 📯
Clara Jane Timme
Emily Kerrigan | $10/M
Martha Salzman | $30/M
Mina Cheon | $20/M
Greggones J | $50
Martha Smith
second notice for sara@morganfrancis.net Your mom would have loved knowing about this incredible facility that is working hard everyday to improve the lives of so many Haitans! Love Aunt Martha and Uncle Bill
Jean Caspers
Sally Chang | $300
Best wishes to JE in 2022, you are an inspiration. Sue, cheers and keep on keepin on! <3
Ross jordan | $83.39
logan | $259.92
Margaret Morrison | $104.15
It's always good to hear from you, Sue--and especially during all the turmoil in Haiti. I like your determination to continue and finish your very important community project. Go, girl. I'm so proud of you and excited about what you are doing. I think about you often. Take care. Much love, Margee
Oletha | $52.23
Susan: you're doing an amazing job! I hope to come back to visit.
Emily Jane | $21.08
Belle is my name nomination
Anonymous | $31.46
Chabon pup name
Strawinski Micki | $104.15
Doris | $31.46
Artemis - Quin Frame