It Takes A Village - Help us Build Brooklyn RISE

Friends of Brooklyn RISE Charter School is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN is 85-0816574.

Donor Wall 15

The Center | $20

Charter Technology Solutions | $50

Hello, here is a small donation from your teammates here at CTS. We’d do more but we have to operate within eRate donation rules, please know that beyond the dollar amount this really is meant to represent our appreciation of our partnership and work together. We are proud to support your mission to our next generation. Happy Holidays from your IT Team.”

Tim Lee

Ben Westfeldt | $50

Leslie Hernandez

Susan & Jim | $1,000

We deeply believe in what you are doing.

Arthur Berman | $100

In honor of Carolyn Suna for their performance on Mind Over Manor, on 2MB Studios

Lexi Crook


Alexi Greenberg



Nico | $20

Best of luck! From an old student/co-worker of Cary.

Juliana Stone

We love Brooklyn Rise!

Ben Herbst | $500