In Memory






Joshua Forcer - Phoenix Heroes Carp Angling Captain

My name is Joshua Forcer, the son of Alan Forcer, a veteran who sadly took his own life in August 2020 after battling with PTSD for many years.  My Mum Claire and I would like to raise funding in his memory to support a fantastic non-profit veteran organisation called Phoenix Heroes, based in Colchester

In my Dads Memory for PTSD veterans 

My Dad liked his fishing and I have many fond memories going fishing with him, my passion for fishing was ignited by my father Alan James Forcer.  Dad had very bad PTSD as he was a war veteran, he sadly lost his battle with PTSD this year and took his own life, which has been a devastating blow as you can imagine.  

We shared many happy memories on the bank, memories that I will treasure forever, including the the time I hooked him up through the finger as a child !!! he wasn't best pleased with me I can tell you that. 

Out Fishing was the one place Dad truly found peace, a place where all you’re worries dissipate.  It has also helped me immensely over the years whilst trying to process what’s been going on with Dad and my concern for him. 

If I can do something positive even if it is for just one more veteran by introducing them to this tranquil place of calm and turn a negative into a positive then that would be a job well done.  I am very much looking forwards to being part of Phoenix Heroes and meeting some incredible people, what better way for me to channel my grief than to give something back to the veteran community.

Show Your Support

I have attended two of the Phoenix Heroes fishing weekends and met some great people, this veteran community is growing so please show your support to Phoenix Heroes and help more veterans and their families around the UK.  All funding raised will support clinical treatment and more fishing days. 

Phoenix Heroes CIC: Non Profit Community Interest Company CIC Registered in England & Wales Company Number 11479548 Castle House | South St | Ashby De La Zouch | Leicester | United Kingdom | LE65 1BR |