Inspiring, Empowering, Entertaining!
Every donor who supports the Animation Show of Shows is an essential part of our ability to exist and bring important, memorable films that inspire so many.
Together we support the work of gifted artist animators who express their ideas visually and evoke within us powerful emotional reactions. The Animators personal stories often come from their own experiences and resonate within us and make us want to share these extraordinary films with our loved ones, our friends and our communities.
Help us reach sustainability by giving as generously as you can once or with reoccurring monthly contributions so you can know you are an essential part in bringing these powerful films to people at museums, art house theaters, from grade schools to colleges and universities. Help make it possible for us to bringing this program to underserved people. You can help support the greatly needed resources to help us grow.
Donor Wall 44
Ralph Guggenheim
John Donnelly | $250
Matt | $20
Claus Toksvig
Valerie Lettera-Spletzer | $100
Roger Gould | $300
Keep up the great work!
Paul Ahrens | $100
Hooray for the outstanding work of Ron Diamond in continuing to bring the beauty and craftsmanship of today’s Animation Community to people everywhere!
Selma Cath Ben Ayed | $20
Dante | $100
Can't wait for this amazing showcase!
Bob Knipfer | $200
Harvey Lewis | $25
Gavrilo | $200
Thank you for your continued commitment to animation
Edwin Catmull | $450
Keep up the good work.
John McIntyre | $25
Camille | $100
I would donate thousands if I could. I love this whole entity -- both the amazing animation and storytelling, and the opportunity it gives not only to its creators but to promoting animation as an art form, which it truly is. Thank you for your continued efforts, Ron Diamond. I promise you'll be among the first to benefit if and when I strike it rich.
Kristina Reed | $250
Richard | $25
John | $500
Steve Muench | $250
Volker Schlecht | $200
Mark Osborne | $250
Jorge Gutierrez | $250
Angela Lepito | $50
Howard Green | $300
Carl | $1,000
Olivier | $350
Ron Halbert | $50
The animation Show of Shows is a highlight of my year where I can rely on seeing the highest level of art and creativity.
Martin | $20
Ryan Rosendal | $250