Partner with Us

God created Men to be the spiritual leaders of their homes.  However, Men are too often distracted, isolated or in bondage and don't know the impact it’s having on their family or how to change it.

  • 18 Million Fatherless Children in US (1 in 4 Children)
  • Increase in Teens leaving the Church
  • Increase in Drugs, Depression, and Suicide

We provide ministry, resources, and events designed to influence, challenge, and equip men to step into the Leadership Role they were created for.  

Since 2018, our monthly breakfast have been attended by over 400 Men and now have multiple ICE Teams.  In the next 3 years, you can help us expand throughout the US to rebuild marriages, families, and the fatherless. When you partner with us, you also get our sweet hat and access to 20,000 Biblical Leadership Training videos including a huge Kids library so they have a safe, fun place to learn.

We are a for profit organization that invest in events, tools, and opportunities for men and families to build multi-generational family teams.

These fundraisers are making a difference

Show your support and fundraise today to achieve our goals!

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