10 Year's of ICEA

Traditionally 10 years of marriage is rewarded with tin, suppose that means it’s time for us to start rattling ours.

After 10 years of learning, growing, and evolving we couldn't be more proud of what we have achieved in the last year:

  • Our Aus Day video reached nearly 1 million people
  • Our facilitators sat down to Yarn with 2707 people across 30 schools and businesses 
  • Our team spent 1380 hours with the youth from remote communities on the Dampier Peninsular
  • We collaborated with 12 Noongar cultural organisations, 11 other like-minded organisations, 10 bands, 740kgs of couches, and a carpark (plus road) full of people to celebrate WA cultures at the ICEA Classic.

To allow the growth to continue we are turning to the community who have always been an integral part of the ICEA Family. Whether they came down to our events to learn about traditional Noongar toolmaking, donated prizes, listened to our stories in-class, dropped their kids down to surf early in the morning,  took us out crabbing and fishing, or wear our merch, we always know they are there and it keeps a smile on our face.

For $10 a month you can empower other Australians to get on board and we can shift the Australian story together. 

We thank you for sticking with us and always showing us love,

Tom Joyner

PS. 50 years of marriage is rewarded with gold so watch out for 2058’s appeal!