Huntington Robotics Online Donations
The Huntington High School Robotics Team was established to provide students with a pre-college experience in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) with the intention of garnering interest in these fields. Competing in the FIRST Robotics Competition as FIRST Team 5016, Huntington Robotics welcomes all students from Huntington High School and its goal is to expose students to real-world engineering and its applications. The team also tries to help members build professional skills and expose them to how actual businesses are organized and how they operate. So far the team has had a major impact on the school, the members involved, and the community.
By representing Huntington at the FIRST world championships in 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2018, the team has made the school district proud, and has also made a lasting impact on the FIRST SBPLI regional competition, creating a reputation for themselves that they will work to uphold and surpass for years to come. Furthermore, by generating so much robotics related attention in the community, the team has helped to support the growing influence of STEM fields, which is also beneficial for the school district due to the creation of a STEM-exclusive school. Hopefully, the team's performances have also inspired people too young to yet participate to take an interest in robotics and other STEM fields.
Please visit our website for more information.