Be apart of our Billboard Campaigns to bring awareness regarding the dangers in government public schools.






Riseup4thechildren has launched a series of billboard campaigns throughout middle Tennessee, raising awareness on what is happening in our government public schools and encouraging families to "rise up" for this generation.

Each billboard that runs for four weeks, cost $1600.

We ran two billboard campaigns during Christmas of 2021 and the response was overwhelming.  

This is a powerful tool to wake up the culture and take back our children's education and our children's futures. 

Again, the response from moms and dads was surprisingly overwhelming. There was no doubt that this was a huge success in bringing awareness to moms and dads in our community.

We are just getting started. Will you help us spread the message and help us equip families to take back their children's education here in America? 

Toni Stockton (founder)



We are a 501 (c) (4) non profit organization, but your gift will NOT be tax deductible. We are seen as a political organization, so we had to go with this tax status. Thank you for giving.