Alfred Friendly Press Partners

We couldn't offer Fellowships to journalists from some of the most dangerous places to be an investigative journalist, if it wasn't from the donations and support of people like you. Each year we have an average of 60 applications from early-career professional journalists and can only accept 6-12 fellows. With your help, we can train more young journalists from countries where press freedom has the potential to grow. 

Journalists who are trained in our fellowship program go on to create a ripple of impact in their countries, they share their training with others, they develop new media platforms, they report investigative news often putting their own safety at risk. This is only possible through the support and donations of people like you, your donation makes a difference and an impact on the world and more importantly on the lives of many young journalists. 

Online donations can be made through this form, we can accept donations nationally and internationally, while keeping your information secure and private. 

To donate by mail: Alfred Friendly Press Partners; 310C Reynolds Journalism Institute, Columbia, MO  65211. 

For a wire transfer: please contact Becky Acton,

Thank you for your support.

We are a 501(c)3 organization. EIN 52-1307387. Your donation is fully tax-deductible in the United States. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.