While forms of training may vary from one Chosei Zen dojo to another, our diverse training forms are bound together through the guidance from our canon:
Train to heal the duality that creates suffering - the duality of mind and body, self and other, life and death.
Train with the intensity of shugyo, a resolve so strong that Tanouye Tenshin’s “sword that gives life” is experienced.
Train through your senses, finding realizations in muscle and bone, breath and gravity. Breath becomes the billowing black smoke pulsing from the chimney of the Chosei kiln. Gravity becomes the inevitability of a massive red oak, falling to earth for use as timber.
Train to know the unknown, alive in the cloud of unknowing.
Whether we train in traditional or modern forms, online or in person, the test of our Zen training is not on the meditation cushion, but in our ability to take away fear in those around us.
Each June we fundraise for the coming year. As we share stories and reflections of training in the Ways, we ask for your support in reaching our 2024 goal of $30,000. Your donation, whatever size, allows us to refine and expand our training, to become one with whatever or whoever is before us.