By shining a light on HIV, we reduce stigma, and inspire action. By embracing openness, we bring hope to individuals and communities and empower them to access support, testing, and care for a healthier future.
The Philippines is facing an unseen crisis, with young people at its epicenter. Every day, 58 Filipinos are diagnosed with HIV—32% of them under the age of 24. Nearly all (96%) of new cases are from unprotected sex. Mother-to-child transmission is also increasing. People just don’t understand the risk because nobody is talking about it. Stigma and limited access to services keep many from seeking help.
We can change this. We’ve been changing this.
By embracing openness and empowering action, Roots of Health works to reduce stigma and ensure that those affected receive the education and care they deserve. And we’re making progress.
You can make a difference:
Expand HIV testing: Many people with HIV don’t know they have the virus and unwittingly infect many others. In the past six years we’ve trained almost 600 HIV screeners, resulting in tens of thousands people getting screened and we’ve directly screened almost 5,000 individuals. Your support helps bring testing and counseling services closer to more rural and at-risk communities.
Prevent HIV in the first place: Poverty, stigma, and geographic isolation fuel rising infections. Young people simply don’t have a condom when they need one. We have set up 300 condom dispensers across Palawan and aim to add more.
Provide treatment and care: Your donation helps us to continuously accompany and assist individuals to avail life-saving medication and support.
Combat misinformation: Many young people are unaware of basic reproductive health, HIV transmission, or prevention methods. Help us to continue providing reliable information to young people in communities, schools and on the internet.
Sustain long-term change: Shape a future where every community is safe and supported. Help us work with government stakeholders to improve health systems and initiate lasting solutions to address the needs of affected populations.
Your donation can be the spark of hope that inspires action and saves lives.
Help create a healthier, stigma-free future. Donate now to make hope visible.
#EndHIV #ReduceStigma #HopeInVisibility