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Hope Through Prophecy TV LAUNCH PROJECT

Hope Through Prophecy TV LLC will now be producing videos on the YouTube channel that has been known as “Hope Through Prophecy” (as an LLC rather than a 501c3).  With religious liberty in mind, I believe this step will help ensure that our content is protected in the days to come. 

This also means starting over in a way. All new studio equipment had to be purchased, and producing these high-quality videos can be costly. 

However, the impact they are making for God’s kingdom is mind-blowing.  In about 5 years, the channel has grown to over 400,000 subscribers and 17 million views. Countless souls are coming into the truth, and many are joining God’s final remnant church!

We need your help! Your donation helps us create powerful videos that are bringing millions closer to Christ! You can help win precious souls to God’s kingdom! Please consider donating to this launch project.  Thank you!