Hong Kong Watch Annual Crowdfunding 2023










⭐ 英國政府擴大BNO簽證計劃至1997年主權移交後出生的香港人。

⭐ 蘇格蘭政府修訂政策,讓BNO簽證持有人在蘇格蘭居滿三年後可享有高等教育院校本地生學費資格。

⭐ 加拿大政府延長及擴大開放式工作簽證計劃,其後更撤銷Stream B下的學歷要求,讓更多香港人符合資格申請永久居留權。

⭐ 若干北美退休基金因應我們的ESG研究及後續倡議,暫停投資牽涉新疆強迫勞動的中國股票。


🔥 我們會繼續監察現行救生艇政策的實施情況,並鼓勵志同道合的政府推出專為香港人而設的救生艇計劃。

🔥 我們會繼續為BNO簽證持有人爭取符合三年居留要求後可享有英國其他地區本地生學費資格。

🔥 我們會以原創強積金研究為基礎,與關鍵利益相關者密切合作,呼籲國際社會制訂政策回應。

🔥 我們會擴展公民及政治教育活動系列和青年倡議計劃,壯大香港離散社群的力量。

🔥 我們會繼續與民主國家合作,呼籲釋放政治犯。

A Free Hong Kong Needs You

Our work is needed more than ever and so is your support.

Hong Kong Watch is hoping to raise £80,000 to develop our work across the globe in the year to come. Since our founding in 2017, we have existed to speak up for human rights in Hong Kong through advocacy and research. Today, our work has become more important than ever as Beijing tightens its grip on Hong Kong, silencing dissenting voices and cracking down on freedoms, and we need your help to fight against this.

Albeit a small NGO, we have been able to make significant policy impact, most notably the introduction of lifeboat schemes in the UK and Canada and their expansion, and it is all thanks to the continued generous support of our donors. Over the past year, we have successfully pushed for major breakthroughs:

⭐ In the UK, the Government expanded the BNO visa scheme for Hong Kongers born after the handover in 1997.

⭐ The Scottish Government changed its policy to allow BNO visa holders to access home fee status at Higher Education institutions after three years of residency in Scotland.

⭐ In Canada, the Government extended and expanded the Open Work Permit scheme. More hearteningly, it removed the education requirement under the Stream B Pathway, which would allow more Hong Kongers to be eligible for permanent residency.

⭐ In North America, some pension funds have paused investments in Chinese equities linked to forced labour in Xinjiang following our ESG research and subsequent advocacy.

Going forward, we will work ceaselessly to address the needs of Hong Kong people at the hands of the regime with policy-makers and civil society groups in London, Washington, DC, Ottawa, Brussels, Berlin, at the United Nations and beyond. Here are some highlights of our future plans:

🔥 We will continue monitoring the implementation of the existing lifeboat policies and encouraging like-minded governments to offer bespoke lifeboat schemes to Hong Kongers.

🔥 We will continue campaigning for access to home fee status in the rest of the UK after meeting the three-year residency requirement for BNO visa holders.

🔥 Building on our original MPF research, we will work with key stakeholders to call for policy responses from the international community.

🔥 We will expand our civic and political education series and Youth Initiative programmes to empower the Hong Kong diaspora.

🔥 We will continue working with democratic partners to call for the release of political prisoners.


Hong Kong Watch BNO rights campaign: A story of turning the impossible into possible


The full story can be read here.