High Yield Landlord + Suomi Battalion






Donor Wall 91

Gregory Stahl | $114.54

Slava Ukraini💙💛

Kalle | $10.70

Jeremy | $114.49

Helping Ukraine via Suomi, Estonia and England.


Ola | $110

Ukrainians are my idols!

Ola | kr1,214

Marina Mitaleva | $114.49

Slava Ukraini!

Lester Golden | $52.23

If 50 years ago you'd told my Ukrainian Jewish grandparents that an independent Ukraine led by a Jewish president was fighting a war of survival against a post-communist Russian empire and there was a right wing Republican Russian agent in the White House with the American left supporting the FBI and the CIA, they would have said you're meshuggeneh. To translate meshuggeneh, ask President Zelenskiy.

sakari | kr1,215

Taavi-Rene | €31.44

Sebastian | $114.54

This is for the last winter war Russian a-holes

David | £100

Victory and peace to Ukraine!


Keep the bugs away!

Eric | €21.06

Slava Ukraini!

Petr Toman | $114.54

Because of you, I'm no longer a man of this system. Because of you, I've changed. I'm unhinged. A new fella, so to speak.

Marius P | $10.70

from Romania

Markus Melin | €109.33

Your fight is not forgotten. Support will continue!

Torspo | €104

Jaroslav | $228.46

Joni Hautamäki | €107.25

Antti | €213.96

Veli-Matti | €107.23

Mike Burnitt | $114.54

Great work!

Wesley | $114.54

Slava Ukraini!

Christian | $114.49

Santa's making his list, he's checking it twice. He's gonna send the orcs an explosive device! Santa Claus is coming to town

Grant Rodkey

Darkness falls on the world as facism takes hold in the US. Although it isnt anything to what Ukrainians feel every day, we must weather the storm. Please, everyone, continue to do what you can and pray for those who struggle against the darkness. We will together be on the right side of history. I only wish I could do more.

Balazs | €102

Urs Zelle | $114.49

Sydney Graham | £88.58

Andres | €101