The High Rollers Club (HRC) Started in May 2017, and has since grown to helping over 514 pups regain Mobility.
Your Donation helps families who are not able to afford a wheelchair for their babies. Many recipients donate what they are able to and HRC covers the remaining balance. Without your support, we would not be able to continue giving the gift of Mobility!
We are a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization EIN 83-4613136
All the contributions are tax deductible.
Donor Wall 336
Natalie Ferraloro | $5/M
Bless the pug , Pug Life for eva ☕🐾
Greg | $100
I received a wheelchair for my Sammi over a year ago and gave her back. Mobility for a few months, we lost Sammi one year ago and I am giving in honor of her. Thank you for all you do.
Gabija | $100
Merisa Trevino | $15
Desiray Gregg | $30
Raffle tickets for Pahoehoe’s eye appt/diorama @gregggrumble
Suzanne DeBrango | $20
Marlie Palmen | $25
Elle Williams | $50
Thank you so much for giving Waldo his wheels and me my hope back.
Faith Beckett | $20
Kenzi | $35
Sofie Raes | $70
Thank you! The world needs more people like you!❤️ Special thanks to Winston_dutchpug, who raises money by making wonderful dogshirts❤️
Jane | $50
Debra | $135
Thankyou for helping us
buster | $25
What a fantastic charity! We are donating as part of Winston_Dutchpug fund raiser.
Biggy de mops | $50
Tricia Monteith | $20
Mirko | $15
Thank you for all the good things you are doing! Greetings from Germany!
Tracey Benson | $100
I love watching all of the participants in the Wheeling Pug Relay. Congratulations on all of you for completing it. All of you have shown that HRC helps with mobility issues. Your videos and participation in the fund raiser are so wonderful to see. You all did such a great job!
Denie Quitoriano | $100
Thank you for all that you do! Sending Lots of Aloha, Lolly and her Sistahs (lovinglollypup)
Stacy Stewart | $12
Jose | $71
Biggy | $25
Michelle Brown | $75
Sweet Sage Scents Wheeling Pug Relay donation
Carol | $25
Elizabeth Still | $25
5 tickets for the pug train! Yay for all the athletes in the fall relay!
Jim CARLSON | $25
I love following the relay twice a year.
Kathy | $50
Thank you for what you do! You are awesome ❤