Help support Chintimini Wildlife Center this Giving Season!
In February 2024, the Chintimini Wildlife Center moved 3 of our resident raptor ambassadors into new homes in our Nature Center, completing Phase 1 of the plan to open CWC to the public as a place to visit, learn, and explore. Our goal is to move the entire collection of animal ambassadors to the Nature Center’s 3/4 acre portion of the property. These new homes would provide more room for our ambassadors to thrive as well as continue working towards our final goal of having the Nature Center open to the general public.
Currently, our reptile and invertebrate Education Ambassadors are housed in our Administrative Office (the only temperature-controlled non-rehabilitation space on the property). One of the unfortunate consequences of the Ambassadors being in an office space is that CWC’s Education Team cannot educate visitors about these animals in person during our onsite tours.
We often bring our Ambassador reptiles and invertebrates to public outreach events, and they allow us to educate in a hands-on way, bringing more people in to learn about wildlife. Getting to educate every tour about our reptile and invertebrate Ambassadors would provide our Ambassadors with more enrichment and provide our community with more education and exposure to different species and the issues they face. Education about reptiles and invertebrates is also tied directly to CWC’s Rehabilitation Program, as not everyone knows that our Wildlife Hospital can accept and rehabilitate injured or sick native reptiles, invertebrates, and amphibians.
In addition, this also helps support CWC’s plans to separate the Wildlife Education and Wildlife Rehabilitation areas of the property for the overall health and safety of both groups of animals. With increased concern about the transmission of zoonotic diseases, reducing the risks of disease transmission is always at the forefront of our minds as stewards of these wonderful Ambassadors.
Thank you for your support of Chintimini Wildlife Center!
Donor Wall 16
Melissa Reninger | $25
Jaime Ziebert | $104.42
Tanya | $260.59
Thank you for working to save our Squirrely from Bush Park! So relieved we found you guys ❤️
Thanks for the wonderful tour on Saturday, Kathleen! We are so glad to know about your center and to become involved. Sherman/Weirnick Family
Stephanie | $208.54
Christina | $52.37
Thank you for all you do for the animals!
Anita Sokol | $52.37
Patty | $52.37
Lisa Holifield | $52.37
For all creatures great or small!
Kathryn | $104.42
Thank you for your help and compassion to our fur, feathered, and furless friends.
Dave and Kate Lowry | $104.42
We were part of the Chintimini After Dark evening on Dec. 6 with Fred Prahl and Karen Skjei. So fascinating to see the ambassador animals and learn about your work. Special thanks to Kathleen, Alyssa, and Heather for hosting our group and giving their time to make the night special! Tom Carrico's enthusiasm and passion for his hobby of astrophotograpy was evident to us all and we so enjoyed his presentation. Thanks to all (including Ruth, Tskili, Junior, Ferdinand, the reptiles, and various invertebrates)! Dave and Kate Lowry
Elizabeth | $1,041.44
Thank you for your vital work!
Andrea | $104.42
Thank you for the work you do!
Kathy Frieze | $52.37