Helping Elderly people






Greetings from Lithuania!  This fund raising will go for helping Elderly people in our country as it is really hard for them to even buy food! Im not even talking about medicine and other things.... Average pension for our Elderly people is 350$/month while monthly medicine supplies cost around 150$! Soo 200 left when rent is around 150$/month so you can imagine how hard it is to live on with 50$ full month... I made this fund raising for people who CAN donate even if its only 1$ it still makes a difference in someone's life! Every $ raised here will go towards food and medicine supplies to help Elderly people and to let them know that there are people that do care. Thank you for your time reading this and god bless you. 

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Donor Wall 2

Anonymous | €1.21

God bless you for helping your olders!

Anonymous | €1.81

Not much but hope it helps