We're a not-for-profit on a mission to save the world's rarest dolphin with technology.

Help us save the world's rarest dolphin with technology.

One of our most threatened native animals, the Māui dolphin, needs us to do something amazing: pull together and raise money to purchase, develop and operate an innovative cutting-edge piece of technology - an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). This huge drone will track dolphins using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and provide data to help save the 63 remaining Māui dolphins.

The AI-powered tracking drone we are developing with your help will autonomously find, follow, and uniquely identify Māui and Hector’s dolphins. By identifying individual dolphins, knowing where they are and when they are there, we can protect them from key threats and hopefully halt the decline towards extinction. 

Time is running out.

For years, we've been working hard to find solutions that will help our Māui dolphins. We know New Zealanders are passionate about protecting these dolphins, and that most of us will do whatever it takes to ensure they not just survive but thrive. But we need more data about where Māui dolphins swim to protect them.

Can you join #teamMaui and help make this possible by donating today? Your donation will go directly towards MAUI63's cutting edge work with drone technology. 

Scientists estimate only 63 Māui dolphins over one-year-old remain, but it's not too late to save them.

But we must act now. Even one non-natural death could be the final nail in the coffin for this most precious, iconic sub-species. 

Will you join #teamMaui now by chipping in to help MAUI63 with this crucial work? Even $10 could help make this vision possible, and help save these precious dolphins. By donating and joining us in #teamMaui, you could help to get a dolphin-tracking drone in the air, and you will ensure that you get the latest updates on how this fundraising is going.

We are a fully registered New Zealand Charity and all donations are tax-deductible.

Donor Wall 59

Hayley Nessia | NZ$20

Donated by the kind patrons of the Goat Island Marine Discovery Centre

Kiwa Dive | NZ$230

Keep up the amazing work!

ICI - Integrated Coastal Initiative | NZ$208.17

Chris Baigent Manager ICI Consultants Integrated Coastal Initiative BSc PGDipSci MICZM

Bryce Groves | NZ$42.01/M

Hoani Horsfall | NZ$21.27

Nicole | NZ$52.41

Amazing work guys!

Hirona | NZ$36.90

Please protect the MAUI dophins. Im behind you.

JOHN | NZ$100

Such a beautiful creature! Dolphins have always been one of favorite animals! May your research help save them from extinction.

Hayley Nessia | NZ$90

Donated by the kind patrons of the Goat Island Marine Discovery Centre

Ross | NZ$21.23

Great work DOC👍

Jacob Iuli | NZ$52.37

Keep up the good work buddy

Goat Island Marine Discovery Centre | NZ$57.54

From the kind customers to the Goat Island Marine Discovery Centre :)

Gherkin Media | NZ$260.05

All the best from Gherkin Media here in Auckland - love the idea and appreciate the hard work your doing out there.

Imogen | NZ$83.55

Takiwa Communications | NZ$21.25

Thank you for your mahi and your passion for these rare and beautiful creatures.

Hawea Valley Nursery | NZ$83.55

Thank you for putting your care for these beautiful creatures into action, wishing you every success

Aridium Designs Ltd

Aridium Designs Ltd www.aridiumdesigns.com loves what you are doing. Please everyone help thesw guys save thesw beautiful creatures

Tui Early Learners | NZ$104.31

Thank you for what you do 💕

Bill | NZ$83.54

What great tech and a great cause!

Minna Rose Ahlers | NZ$21.24

Beth | NZ$42

Jenny | NZ$52.40

Janice | NZ$52.40

Excellent idea, need to know where they are particularly with fishing restrictions set to come in October ie, is the area large enough? Also their distribution in relation to continuing effort to mine sand on seabed.

Karen | NZ$83.55

Arnaz | NZ$52.40

The more we know, the better we can protect

Amanda Dobson

With appreciation of your commitment to this cause.

The dental vet ltd | NZ$83.55

Catherine Perry | NZ$21.25

Henry Dumbleton | NZ$21.25

Fantastic work

Allan Woolf

How can we ignore this and let a species go extinct in our time... particularly when it’s so cute ( sad that matters but u know....)