Help us educate voters about their representatives' anti-liberty records
This last term was difficult. With the barest of majorities in the House of Representatives and unreliable "Republicans" in the Senate and corner office, most of the liberty legislation supported by RebuildNH failed. Most often the failure was due to a handful "Republicans" in the House that voted with the Democrats, but if legislation did make it to the Senate, we have no record of the culprits because there was no one to second a roll call vote.
We have an opportunity to change this, and we need your help. There is one "Republican" Representative, and one "Republican" Senator who have contested primaries that RebuildNH have identified as having poor voting records for liberty If we educated their constituents about their votes, we may reduce the number of nominal Republicans enough to pass more legislation through the House, and document the record of the Senators. But we need your help to send those voting records to their constituents.
Please stand for liberty, and contribute $10 or $25 to RebuildNH to fight for freedom from the grassroots up.