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Help the GW Cheerleaders FLY to NCA Nationals!!!



          The George Washington High School Competitive Spirit Team is a diverse group of high school students ranging in ages from 14-18 years old.  These students travel from all over the City of Philadelphia to come to George Washington HS for their high school education, where there are approximately 1500 students enrolled.  They are a low-socioeconomic, Title I school.  


           They practice 5 days a week for two to three hours a day working on skills, drills, dance, stunting, and through repetitive practice, as well as team building activities, everyone has seen first-hand the positive effects it has brought to our students' lives.  Our students have to be academically eligible not just by PIAA (Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association) standards but by George Washington High School standards which is passing six out of their eight academic classes.  We see first-hand how their drive for academic excellence has improved and our athletes know that if they do not hit this standard, they cannot perform and compete.  Through team building, these athletes form extreme trust within one another, bring positive energy within the school and community, and set a true example for school spirit, joy, and enthusiasm all around.


George Washington High School is in the Philadelphia District XII Public League.  In the only five years of becoming a Competitive Spirit Team, we rose as the three-time reigning PIAA District XII Public League Champions in the Co-Ed Division (2020-2022); four-time Competitive Spirit State Qualifiers (2019-2022); and this year, we were PIAA State Semi-Finalists in the Co-Ed Division (2022).  Our team is ready to take it to the next level and attend the Varsity National NCA Competition in Dallas, Texas.


Our team is working extremely hard to be able to compete in this competition. The cost to participate in the season and attend this competition is more than $1,200.00 per participant. We have a limited number of fundraisers throughout the season.  Your sponsorship will help us reach our goal and give our student athletes the opportunity of a lifetime!


Currently, we are asking for your financial support. There are various package options to support our co-ed team.  With this Sponsorship, your contributions will help our student athletes off-set travel costs, lodging, gym rentals, and Nationals Gear.


         These athletes have had the opportunity to go to various competitions in the past and they are ready to compete at the next level at NCA (National Cheerleaders Association) Nationals in Dallas, Texas.  They will be the FIRST team in the Philadelphia Public League to compete at a national level and set the groundwork for future teams to follow.  We are all SO proud of their accomplishments and with your financial support, we want to help these Washington Eagles and their coaches "Fly" to Dallas, Texas to represent George Washington High School as well as represent the District XII Public League Competitive Spirit Program within the School District of Philadelphia.  GO EAGLES!

These fundraisers are making a difference

Show your support and fundraise today to achieve our goals !

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